The present-day definitions of osteoporosis and osteopenia were arbitrarily conceived by the WHO in the early 90's and then projected upon millions of women's bodies seemingly in order to convince them they had a drug-treatable, though symptomless, disease
Black Cohosh Better Than Prozac for Menopause Do you feel fear or worry regarding the onset of menopause, either for yourself or someone you love? Before you take medications with serious risks, learn about the incredible results of black cohosh
Have you ever thought about the natural laws that underpin our world? Governed by sacred geometry, organic patterns are the building blocks that shape our experiences. They show up again and again, begging to be recognized, understood, and utilized for the benefit of mankind.
Midlife women have been led to believe that hormone replacement therapy is an either or proposition: either you take it or you suffer the symptoms of menopause.
Could a nutritious garden-variety fruit pave the path to sounder sleep? Emerging research suggests getting your dose of tomatoes at dinnertime may bolster the body’s own production of melatonin
Valerian is the herbal superstar for insomnia. Several studies prove that valerian safely helps you fall asleep faster and enjoy a better sleep
Vaginal dryness is common among women, and not only during menopause. Natural remedies, including dietary changes, natural lubricants and more, can offer safe and effective relief
Simple lifestyle modifications, such as an improving diet or quitting smoking, prove to be highly effective at reducing the risk for early menopause.
Most women probably don’t want to rush into menopause. But chemicals you encounter every day could speed up the onset of menopause by close to 4 years
For middle-aged women, the onset of menopause can arrive in the form of hot flashes, insomnia, mood changes, muscle pain and memory fog. Researchers have investigated the effects of black mulberry leaf on sufferers of these symptoms and found favorable effects
Getting older is not a disease. Nor is it a guarantee that you will develop one
From hot flashes to insomnia, the menopausal transition can be quite the rocky road. But new research offers reason to sing a happier tune – music listening appears to smooth some of the bumpiest aspects of “the change.”
Traditional soy preparation methods reveals an ancient wisdom that modern science is only beginning to appreciate
Fenugreek is one of the oldest recorded medicinal plants. The recorded use of fenugreek goes back to Egypt in 1500 BCE. It was also used in Greek, Arabian, Indian and Chinese medicine.
Modern women at midlife have many options when it comes to dealing with those nasty menopausal symptoms like mood swings, depression, bone loss, and fluctuating estrogen levels. But their most surprising source of natural relief may come from an ancient food: the juicy pomegranate
The list of botanicals that have great value for menopause, including some like black cohosh, which have been demonstrated to be superior to hormone replacement therapy, is impressive. But there are quite a few which are less well known, such as pine bark extract and ginseng...
Breast cancer treatment can have devastating effects on quality of life. Honey (and bee pollen) have recently been found to improve symptoms in women on hormone suppressive drugs
Menopause can seem like torture. Women at midlife suffer with mood swings, stubborn weight gain, hot flashes, and low energy. At the same time they can develop anxiety, depression, and trouble sleeping.
New research published this week in the journal Heart has confirmed the findings of two controversial studies on calcium supplementation and heart attack risk published in the British Medical Journal last year, and which found a 24-27% increased risk of heart attack for those who took 500 mg of elemental calcium a day