Women of childbearing age have virtually no risk of dying from COVID-19, their fatality risk being a mere 0.01%, so they are unlikely to reap any significant benefit from a COVID-19
Without fanfare, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, August 11, 2022, reversed all its COVID-19 guidelines
The EPA is tossing aside safety data; Companies "testing" their own products have led to the EPA sweeping major environmental and social problems under the rug.
Similar to the general public, nurses are increasingly refusing dangerous and often ineffective flu shots
With chronic illness on the rise, people are desperately trying to stem the onslaught, all the while drinking and bathing in the most damaging problem of all. Think you have clean water? You might want to reconsider
Has the World Health Organization (WHO) been purposely misleading women in developing countries into thinking they are protecting them and their future children from tetanus while in fact robbing women of their fertility and the very children they wanted to protect?
New research reveals a previously unknown side effect of ibuprofen: aseptic meningitis. Discover 50 more alarming reasons to reconsider this common drug.
Are grab-n-go veggies your family’s weeknight meal-time saving grace? Recent studies suggest it’s time to rethink if the convenience is worth the toxic price you pay for pre-washed vegetables
With zero evidence, the CDC now claims it's safe to co-administer as many other vaccines with the experimental COVID inoculations as a vaccine shooter deems ok
Recurrent miscarriages have numerous causes making them difficult to isolate. The causes of recurrent miscarriage may also be multifaceted – and often are.
While the topic of recurrent miscarriage causes has no end in site due to continued research, a major point needs to be addressed which is often overlooked.
Despite being at the top of the global food chain and industrial developmental ladder, the United States has a poor track record for delivering uncontaminated drinking water to the public. Even the nicest restaurants are guilty of serving you directly from the tap. It's time to get real about the 'tap water problem'...
In a stunning reversal of narratives, pharmaceutical giant Pfizer now finds itself accused of spreading misinformation about its COVID-19 vaccine, potentially vindicating health freedom advocates who were previously silenced for raising concerns.
VAERS data released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention included a total of 1,247,131 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 27,532 deaths and 224,766 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and April 22, 2022
While the mainstream media howls about Peter Thiel’s herpes vaccine investment, FDA-approved vaccine trials use poor black babies as test subjects, thumbprints for ‘consent’ and hide negative results
Among the first reports handed over by Pfizer was a 'Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports' describing events reported to Pfizer up until February 2021
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is now recommending pregnant women to get the COVID-19 vaccine, based on preliminary postmarketing surveillance data
Recently, The Israeli People's Committee was established to initiate a process of investigation, exposure, change, correction and recovery
VAERS data released today by the CDC included a total of 894,145 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 18,853 deaths and 139,126 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and Nov. 12, 2021.
The ultimate objective of vaccines is to cow the American people into submission
Discover why your go-to pain reliever might be silently harming your health, and explore the natural alternatives backed by science.
One of the most toxic places in America is Florida. One of Florida's biggest industries and best kept secrets is phosphate mining. The state accounts for around 70 percent of all phosphate mining done in the country.
Considering the adverse effects and lack of effectiveness, many have called for an immediate withdrawal of the shots
The mainstream media is doing their best to minimize a devastating study showing a high correlation (7.7-fold) between flu vaccines and miscarriages. A review of the scientific literature shows a body of evidence that supports the new study’s conclusions. Why can’t we all just deal with the facts?
National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: Adding the Category of Vaccines Recommended for Pregnant Women to the Vaccine Injury Table