Stephen Paddock, the 64-year-old Las Vegas mass murderer, was given prescriptions for Valium some time prior to the shootings
If your mood could use a boost, these six natural antidepressant agents could help enhance your well-being
Learn five simple strategies to fight the winter blues or seasonal affective disorder (SAD), regaining the motivation you otherwise lose with less sunlight exposure in the colder months
Your body converts 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) into the neurotransmitter serotonin, known for its mood support. But 5-HTP, which is produced from tryptophan, may benefit not only your mood but also your sleep, appetite and more
For aging men watching their vitality slowly drain away each year, a proprietary botanical blend represents newfound hope of restoring lost vigor and masculinity
Four Strikes Against Face Masks - and Why They're Risky Four science-backed hypotheses about face masks highlight their inefficacy, lack of safety and ability to cause physiological, psychological and long-term health problems, which may culminate in immune suppression, worsened chronic disease, accelerated aging and premature death
What if in the treatment of depression, food prescriptions replaced antidepressant drugs?
Kava, a plant native to the South Pacific islands, has been valued for its calming properties since ancient times. Sipping on traditional kava tea may reduce tension while kava extract has been linked to increased cheerful mood, anxiety relief and more
When mental fatigue hits you, choose from the most effective natural remedies.
Looking for a coffee alternative that packs the same energetic punch? Try yerba mate tea for a healthy way to boost your day
In a world where ADHD medications often come with a laundry list of side effects, could the answer to managing this complex disorder be as simple as a daily dose of vitamins and minerals?
Tests conducted by the FDA in 2008 found small amounts of ethylene glycol (EG) and diethylene glycol (DEG), also ingredients in antifreeze, in all batches of MiraLAX that were tested
English acoustic-physics pioneer, John Stuart Reid, explains how Music Medicine can banish the blues (and fear) associated with the corona virus, while boosting our immune system to help vanquish any pathogen
An introduction to some of the many biological mechanisms advantageously activated by sound and music, collectively categorised as 'vibrational medicine'
Your spice rack may contain the safest, most fast-acting, brain-boosting substance medical science has yet to confirm effective in a human clinical study
A seven decade old cause of mysterious public ill health will eventually be solved with solutions which exist - today
Originating as a medicine, and evolving into one of the world's most popular beverages, green tea is of the most well-researched natural substances in the world. New research adds to an increasingly impressive body of science showing the consumption of this herbal beverage has profoundly neuroprotective properties.
Thoughts become things. This isn't just some hippie-dippy, crunchy-granola, new-age construct (and don't get me wrong, I live for all things hippie-dippy). This is scientifically validated fact, well established in the peer- reviewed literature.
Imagine biting into your favorite "sugar-free" snack, confident you're making a healthier choice, only to discover you've been unknowingly consuming a controversial artificial sweetener in disguise