Imagine going through grueling cancer treatments--surgery, radiation, chemotherapy--only to later discover that your "cancer" was never going to progress or threaten your life. For many people diagnosed by cancer screening, this devastating scenario is a reality. A new study reveals the shocking scope of overdiagnosis across several common cancer screening programs.
It’s a particularly nasty flu season, right – what should we do??
If you only think of ginger as a condiment that you eat with sushi, say "Hello" to the powerful therapeutic benefits this plant packs into its roots
Millions of doses of "acid blocking" proton pump inhibitor drugs are doled out every year, yet most doctors and their patients are completely oblivious to their unintended, adverse effects, which include increased risk for premature death.
The first eight months of WWII with no fighting was called The Phoney War. Using millimetre waves as a fifth-generation or 5G wireless communications technology is a phoney war of another kind
Science shows electromagnetic fields are unavoidably harmful to human health, causing bioeffects and derailing the immune system at levels deemed within safe exposure effects
An astounding 19 pages of chemicals go into making one commonly used brand of air freshener, representing just how poorly regulated and toxic this increasingly popular class of consumer products is.
Not only can essential oils heal your gut, but they also play a role in maintaining gut health!
What I discovered in my own Keurig was shocking and sickening and why I am kicking my Keurig to the curb
Being overweight is an established risk factor for multiple diseases, and is now known to dramatically increase the risk of several cancers. Research from the University of Bergen found that being overweight before the age of 40 increased specific cancer risks, and researchers now suggest that preventing weight gain early in life may help reduce the risk of a cancer diagnosis
Here are 20 health benefits you can expect from mint in its many different, wonderful forms, from peppermint to spearmint to wild mint
Conventional medicine offers little hope in the fight against deadly malignant melanoma, but there are multiple foods, botanicals, and vitamins with proven anti-melanoma activity within nature’s pharmacopeia
Are you taking or considering taking hormonal birth control? Shocking research potential consequences that aren't yet official, but do you want to take the risks? Read on
Did you know that the air you breathe on a commercial airliner comes directly from the engine, complete with engine oil, lubricants and hydraulic fluid? A new study confirms the link between contaminated cabin air and aerotoxic syndrome. Learn what you can do to protect yourself and your family.
About 80 to 90% of women suffer nausea at some point during their pregnancy. But health conscious women do not like to take drugs with side effects that can harm their baby. Ginger provides safe and effective relief.
Honeybees, not pharmaceutical giants, have developed a topical cure for one of the world’s most vexing sexually transmitted viral infections