Everything you have ever been told about the power of polio vaccines to eradicate polio worldwide could be dead wrong...
As of 2013, Big Pharma has had plans for the development of 271 new vaccines covering an array of diseases. Into Whose Bodies Will They be Injected?
The plague of vaccines will be eradicated when the truth about vaccines goes viral
The CDC announced on June 8th that they are almost at the finish line of global polio eradication. They’ve not had a case of wild polio since January 13, 2011. Whoopee! But they still have plenty of paralysis. In fact they have more and more every year. AND …children with non-polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis(AFP), the new name for polio, are at more than twice the risk of dying than those with wild polio infection!
The point of this article is to highlight the techniques used by the media, especially using doctors and celebrities to push the pharmaceutical agenda. This tactic certainly can be seen front and center, as there is currently a massive push in the media to deny any link between vaccines and autism.
Biotechnology itself has transformed polio into a far greater threat to human health than it ever was before we tried to eradicate it with vaccines.
Physicians have demonstrated the powerful antiviral action of vitamin C for decades and now it shows promise in fighting Coronoavirus
The plague of vaccines will be eradicated when the truth about vaccines goes viral
While the Polio Global Eradication Initiative (PGEI), founded in 1988, declares itself successful in nearly eradicating wild-type polio in nations like India, vaccine-induced polio paralysis cases far outnumber those the vaccines were intended to prevent. It is believed that vaccines produce at least 300% more cases of polio than those existing in the wild, indicating that a natural problem has been transformed into a manmade one.
Covid-19 isn't simply a virus to be dealt with so we can move on with our lives. The response to this event is meant to instill fear and an acceptance of indefinite authoritarian measures
As bombs fall and humanitarian aid trickles into war-torn Gaza, health officials have launched an ambitious campaign to vaccinate over 600,000 children against polio. But in a region devastated by conflict, where basic needs go unmet, does this effort address the root causes of disease or potentially introduce new risks?
What if vaccines have never been soundly confirmed to be safe and effective? What if the CDC, vaccine manufacturers and advocates knew of these discrepancies and contradictions, yet intentionally ignored them against the public interests?
Pro Vaccine Industry Propaganda has reached a new extreme which threatens to label the unvaccinated as criminals to be arrested and sent to prison
In the march to vaccinate everyone everywhere for everything, reason and logic are thrown out and insanity prevails. The polio vaccine causes mutant polio, so authorities place the blame in the unvaccinated.
As of 2013, Big Pharma has had plans for the development of 271 new vaccines covering an array of diseases. Into Whose Bodies Will They be Injected?
Far too many are still swooned by false promises from people with initials like "Dr." and "CEO" in front of their names.
The World Health Organization declared a global health emergency over polio, but only 68 cases of polio have been documented worldwide this year. Why isn't autism a "global health emergency," which affects 1 in 25 families?
Unbeknownst to most doctors, the polio-vaccine history involves a massive public health service makeover during an era when a live, deadly strain of poliovirus infected the Salk polio vaccines, and paralyzed hundreds of children and their contacts. These were the vaccines that were supposedly responsible for the decline in polio from 1955 to 1961! But there is a more sinister reason for the “decline” in polio during those years; in 1955, a very creative re-definition of poliovirus infections wa
The definition of polio has been changed repeatedly since the programme was launched, thus automatically leading to a drastic fall in the number of cases
National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: Adding the Category of Vaccines Recommended for Pregnant Women to the Vaccine Injury Table
What can Waldorf School Communities Do in the Face of Vaccine Mandates?
What if vaccines have never been soundly confirmed to be safe and effective? What if the CDC, vaccine manufacturers and advocates knew of these discrepancies and contradictions, yet intentionally ignored them against the public interests?
The World Health Organization declared a global health emergency over polio, but only 68 cases of polio have been documented worldwide this year. Why isn't autism a "global health emergency," which affects 1 in 25 families?
The polio story is a haunting one: long, complicated, and ugly. It's not a story you will have read or that the medical profession will be able to tell