45% of births in the US are now induced, but evidence supporting this intervention is severely lacking. Case controlled studies show no benefit to inducing for postdates. Routinely inducing for postdates is based on 3 uncontrolled, retrospective studies showing 1/1000 less stillbirths while ignoring possible increases in brain damage to newborns as a result of induction.
Medicine has had a way of treating infants and babies like mini-adults, in this case seeking to vaccinate babies over 2.2 lbs. Is it any wonder that preterm infants are at 5x greater risk for autism, syndromal evidence of chronic brain inflammation?
A new study in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Gynaecology confirms what many who have undergone a hospital birth already know: the use of the labor-inducing drug pitocin (synthetic oxytocin) leads to great pain and suffering, including serious adverse, unintended health effects to both mother and infant.
45% of births in the US are now induced, but evidence supporting this intervention is severely lacking. Case controlled studies show no benefit to inducing for postdates. Routinely inducing for postdates is based on 3 uncontrolled, retrospective studies showing 1/1000 less stillbirths while ignoring possible increases in brain damage to newborns as a result of induction.
Skin to skin contact between the mother and her new-born baby can have impressive healing and even life-saving effects for the infant.
A new study linking birth induction to autism is rippling through the mainstream press, but something vitally important is being lost in the translation; namely, the need to return to natural, ancient birth practices, whenever possible.
Medicine has had a way of treating infants and babies like mini-adults, in this case seeking to vaccinate babies over 2.2 lbs. Is it any wonder that preterm infants are at 5x greater risk for autism, syndromal evidence of chronic brain inflammation?
Skin to skin contact between the mother and her new-born baby can have impressive healing and even life-saving effects for the infant.
A new study in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Gynaecology confirms what many who have undergone a hospital birth already know: the use of the labor-inducing drug pitocin (synthetic oxytocin) leads to great pain and suffering, including serious adverse, unintended health effects to both mother and infant.
A new study linking birth induction to autism is rippling through the mainstream press, but something vitally important is being lost in the translation; namely, the need to return to natural, ancient birth practices, whenever possible.