Research shows that prenatal exposure to parabens can cause long-term problems to the growing baby. We now know that parabens cross the human placenta. The good news is that there are ways to protect your developing baby.
You know about the dangers of Bisphenol A (BPA), and hopefully Bisphenol S (BPS), but did you know that there are at least 8 toxic bisphenols in our food supply, with 75% of food samples from the US tested showing significant levels of these ubiquitous poisons?
The GMO mass experiment on the public is producing results—terrifying ones. GM toxic elements can be found in nearly all pregnant women and children. (Update of the article featured in Genetic Roulette movie
Just when you thought it was safe to buy "BPA-free" products, manufacturers flood the marketplace with an alphabet soup of toxic bisphenols.
A human study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1995 showed that women who consumed 10,000 IU of preformed vitamin A from supplements per day had 4.8 times the rate of birth defects than those who consumed 5,000 IU per day while pregnant. The increased frequency of defects was concentrated among babies born to women who consumed high levels of vitamin A before the seventh week of gestation.
With the flu season hysteria nearing its peak, millions are being driven to vaccination as a 'preventive' approach. Those who abstain are often accused of being uneducated or worse, socially irresponsible "anti-vaxxers." Nothing could be further from the truth.
In this first report from the Keele Conference on the biological effects of aluminum, we learn that the weakest among us, premature newborns and sickly elderly, are being poisoned with aluminum through their nutrition. The FDA’s aluminum limits are routinely ignored, while this problem, known for 30 years, continues unabated.
Ever since humans discovered fire, our activities have been releasing a "dog's breakfast" of unnatural chemistry. The list has grown to well over 75,000 free elements, compounds and pharmaceuticals. Many of these are acidic, electron-hungry oxidants and free radical generators.
In the first ever testing on glyphosate herbicide in the breast milk of American women, Moms Across America and Sustainable Pulse have found 'high' levels in 3 out of the 10 samples tested.