The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 20,595 fatalities, and 1,960,607 injuries, following COVID-19 injections
According to a 2017 study, a staggering 12.7 percent of all US citizens over the age of 12 were taking antidepressants
With every mass shooting, there's a renewed call for stricter gun control laws. The only problem is: guns aren't the problem. Guns have always been a part of America's culture. As long as the conversation centers around gun-control we'll continue to neglect something even more important and just as deadly: the growing mental health crisis that has been decades in the making. Where it begins and why may surprise you
Individuals perpetrating unspeakable acts of violence is not a new phenomenon. What’s new, rather, are the altered states of consciousness induced by antidepressants and other psychotropic drugs well-documented to promote homicidal and suicidal behavior in susceptible individuals.
Can Wheat Make You Crazy?
A 2020 study points to apples' ability to mediate significant gut microbial metabolic activity. All it takes: two apples a day
Tylenol, a trademarked form of the chemical known as acetaminophen or paracetamol, is one of the most commonly used painkillers in the United States today, yet is also one of the most dangerous. For instance, nearly 500 die and 30,000 are hospitalized each year in the US as a result of its well established, yet seldomly discussed side effects.
Antidepressants are routinely used as a first-line treatment for depression, though studies show their effectiveness is on par with placebo and serious side effects often ignored or hidden
Wheat consumption has been linked to psychiatric conditions like schizophrenia for over 60 years, but recent research indicates the mind-altering properties of this popular food are, in part, caused by it cutting off blood flow to the frontal cortex of the brain.
Every functional medicine psychiatrist has case stories of the 'probiotic cure' – of a patient whose debilitating symptoms remitted completely with dietary change and probiotic supplementation
The rampant use of psychiatric medications in infants, toddlers, and the young could be considered a form of reckless endangerment, according to this MD.
What could possibly go wrong with swallowing tracking microchips with already highly toxic pharmaceuticals?
The science supporting the efficacy of magnesium for major depression and other psychiatric disorders, testing for magnesium deficiency, and which forms and dosages are most effective
A groundbreaking new study published in Advances in Mind Body Medicine validates the role of holistic approaches in helping patients successfully withdraw from psychotropic drugs
A new study published in the BMJ found that 55 of the 92 American doctors who determine what diagnoses and treatments are included in the APA's most recent edition of the DSM
What if medications actually contribute to a poorer quality of life, not because of their metaphysical role in self-identity and outsourcing of power, but simply because of their toxicity?