The entire vaccine debate can scarcely even be labeled a debate. It is an exercise in social shaming, shouting down opposing views, and religious devotion to television and anyone wearing a lab coat or claiming to be an expert
National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: Adding the Category of Vaccines Recommended for Pregnant Women to the Vaccine Injury Table
In September 2011, SaneVax Inc. informed the FDA that despite all Merck's statements claiming Gardasil contained 'no viral DNA,' Dr. Sin Hang Lee had discovered there were indeed fragments of HPV-11, HPV-16 and HPV-18 L1 DNA firmly attached to Merck's proprietary aluminum adjuvant in 100% of the samples his laboratory tested.
VAERS data released today showed 227,805 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 4,201 deaths and 18,528 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and May 14, 2021
As mentioned in Part 1, Google's "quality raters" are now manually lowering the ranking of undesirable content and buries even expert views if they're deemed "harmful" to the public
For many years, parents have believed that multiple vaccinations have caused their children to become autistic. Governments from around the world, however, have categorically denied this possibility. They continue to bury their heads in the sand and ignore what is happening. They refuse to carry out relevant studies and will not answer any questions that may uncover the truth about vaccines.
Study Underscores Need for More Research to Determine Whether Vaccines Are the Source
NVIC's 2019 Annual Report on U.S. State Vaccine Legislation
A new report published in the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology raises a disturbing possibility: that aluminium hydroxide, the dominant metal-based adjuvant used in vaccines today, is causing aluminum overload at injection sites, and contributing to the pathogenesis of diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome, macrophagic myofasciitis and subcutaneous pseudolymphoma.
Our nation is poised at a historic crossroads. Will we preserve the individual right to decline unwanted medical procedures, or will we descend into the tyranny of a medical police state?
If presumably safer "attenuated" flu vaccines are supposed to protect against influenza and its sometimes deadly complications, then why do vaccinated mice have up to 100-fold higher levels of flu-associated pathogenic bacteria than non-vaccinated mice?
Environmental and humanitarian legend RFK, Jr., mainstream media, and the very corrupt CDC. Interview by Autism File executive editor, Rita Shreffler
A recent news story described a newborn being taken away from her mother shortly after birth because of the mother's refusal to accept a Hepatitis B vaccine. In my law practice, I also hear stories from time to time about newborns being vaccinated in the hospital after birth without the parents' permission and against the parents' wishes. Most of the time, these kind of problems are avoidable with a information about your rights and some common sense preparation.
The HELP Committee met yesterday to consider what is driving preventable disease outbreaks, but ignored evidence that infectious diseases routinely break out in highly vaccinated communities
New study links the H1N1 flu vaccine to a 12-fold increased risk of incurable brain damage.
Cruelty toward babies starts at birth. It really starts before birth but that is another tale. Many parents have heard horror stories, and have serious doubts about vaccinating. Even that first injection of vitamin K is not without risk and danger. This article is for parents in the situation where they are forced into a corner for one of many reasons and feel like they have to vaccinate their children.
If we are to believe a new interactive vaccine map the 'anti-vaccine' movement is responsible for global carnage by thwarting the miracles of vaccines. But where's the evidence?
For decades, public health officials have insisted parents were wrong to blame vaccines when their children died shortly after vaccination. Does the evidence say otherwise?
What data regarding autism did the CDC cover up about the MMR shots given to black males in Atlanta younger than 36 months?
It is that time of year when public health officials, physicians pediatricians and pharmacists warn that everyone over 6 months of age should protect themselves and get vaccinated, but how much of this is based on hard science or propaganda?
The evidence against vaccine safety and effectiveness is massive. Here is a 300+ page research download of National Library of Medicine abstracts showing there are over 200 adverse effects of the vaccines in the CDC schedule, including death.
Mailchimp is now joining various social media outlets in trying to snuff out any discussion that might question the safety of invasive medical procedures
As of today, the award-winning 2017 edition of “Take Back Your Power”, is now released permanently free on YouTube. This significant documentary exposes a critical problem that affects everyone: ‘smart’ utility meters which facilitate in-home spying, increase utility bills, present a risk of homes fires and hacking, emit wireless pulses and dirty electricity, and are shown to cause health problems
This brilliant analysis gets to the heart of one of the major problems with vaccination: injecting biological agents derived from other species into healthy children can result in serious, if not life-threatening adverse, unintended health effects.