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Written by Keith Bell
The health mechanism behind high alkaline water includes maintaining an environment by which our protective microbiota thrive. Counterintuitively, high alkaline water creates a healthy acidic gut
Written by Keith Bell
New awareness of the microbiome is driving the vaccine industry to factor microbes in vaccine response. But the industry is ignoring the microbiome as factor in adverse events.
Written by Keith Bell
Viruses like sugar. They bind to sugar. But it's not a simple matter of dietary sugar. This article explores susceptibility to injury, including lethality, by measles and vaccination. It may come down to sugar.
Written by Keith Bell
When we think about vaccine injuries such as autism and epilepsy, we generally consider a direct assault on the brain. But the reality may be far different where injury begins in the gut, leading to brain damage.
Written by Keith Bell
There are gaping holes in vaccine science, especially the critical role of microflora in mediating vaccine effects, including adverse ones.
Written by Keith Bell
The CDC stated a lack of biological plausibility for a 2.4x increased risk of autism in African American boys given the MMR vaccine, but there's plenty. How vaccines affect the infant microbiome is unknown.

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