In a chilling assault on free speech, governments and shadowy organizations are secretly collaborating to silence dissent and criminalize those who dare to question the official narrative.
One simple lifestyle modification -- the cessation of smoking -- has been found to dramatically reverse biological skin age in a study of Italian women
The future of cardiovascular disease prevention and treatment will not be found in your medicine cabinet, rather in your kitchen cupboard or in your back yard growing on a tree...
The FDA presently supports and actively promotes the use of Cobalt-60 culled from Nuclear Reactors as a form of "electronic pasteurization" on all domestically produced conventional food. The use of euphemisms like "food additive" and "pasteurization" to describe the process of blasting food with high levels of gamma-radiation can not obviate the fact that the very same death-rays generated by thermonuclear warfare to destroy life are now being applied to food to...
You hear a lot about 'natural healing' these days, but did you know that a sizable body of scientific literature actually supports the idea that natural medicine is safer and more effective than conventional, drug-based medicine?
What happens when we take a multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical and pitch it against a farm-aceutical one, ginger? Acid-blockers are taken by millions around the world, daily, but they carry severe unintended, adverse health effects, not the least of which are gastric cancer. Ginger, on the other hand, has over 100 potential side benefits. So, which is more logical to use as a medicine?
We all want to live a long life, but did you know eating these simple foods has been proven scientifically to prevent and in some cases reverse the #1 cause of death in the modern world?
Splenda is marketed as a no-calorie, no-guilt sugar substitute. Blood sugar stable, it “passes right through” the body, so it’s safe for diabetics AND you won’t gain weight! Are these claims masking the ugly truth about this chemical imposter? As mounting research shows, when it comes to our diet, there is no free lunch
A review on the synthetic sweetener sucralose (marketed as Splenda), published in the journal Toxicology and Environmental Health, overturns widely held misconceptions about the purported safety of this ubiquitous artificial sweetener.
Since ancient times, turmeric has been used for remedying oral ailments, among other therapeutic applications too numerous to count. Now, new research indicates this amazing spice is superior to chemical mouthwash in killing gingivitis associated bacteria.
New research published in the journal BMC Bioinformatics indicates that magnesium's role in human health and disease is far more significant and complicated than previously imagined.
Taking calcium supplements -- even at low doses -- linked to brain lesions in the first study of its kind.
Our aging skin is the target of billions of dollars worth of marketing, the object of a continual stream of cosmetics, drugs and 'nutraceuticals' promising to deliver age-defying results. But what really works? What does the scientific evidence say?
Amazingly, something as simple as crude honey has been found to alleviate an embarrassing scalp condition that most body care products and drugs can't even make a dent in.
You may think that staying slim and eating healthfully means NO sweets, but guess what? There are natural and delicious sweeteners that won’t wreck your diet, and are even GOOD for you!
Have you ever wished you could regenerate those brain cells you sacrificed in college? Do you fear that your aging brain is in a perpetual state of decline? Medical science is being rewritten to show that we CAN improve the health of our brain, and that repairing damage is not only possible, it's something anyone can do
As scientific evidence mounts in support of traditional healing practices, the once-fringe world of alternative medicine is moving into the mainstream, poised to transform global health as we know it
Millions equate a breast cancer diagnosis with a possible death sentence, doing anything from removing their breasts (and ovaries) with added radiation and chemotherapy treatments, when, in fact, the truth is much more forgiving.
New research confirms that prolonged sitting is associated with higher risks of cardiovascular disease, stroke, anxiety, depression and even premature death. However, meeting physical activity guidelines can eliminate the increased mortality associated with high sitting time.
It is with profound sorrow that acknowledges the passing of Dr. Andrew W. Saul, a pioneering force and beloved pillar in the field of orthomolecular and nutritional medicine.
A powerful study performed twenty-years ago challenged the dominant cataract paradigm, hinting at the curative potential of simple nutritional interventions
Science is only beginning to catch up to the wisdom of the ancients: plants, and the natural world as a whole, possess sentience.
What if everything you were told about how the cells of your body get their energy was wrong? What if the body could tap the relatively limitless resources of the Sun directly? Even more astounding, what if the body could tap the infinite energy density of the quantum vacuum and even turn that energy into matter, as well as transform elements into one another? Welcome to the electrifying implications of the New Biophysics.
What if the go-to laxative we give to constipated children was essentially repurposed antifreeze that could secretly sabotage their gut health when a natural, safer alternative like molasses may work even better?
Imagine a health and fitness solution that began in the cosmos, aiding astronauts, and has now landed right in our living rooms. Whole-Body Vibration (WBV) isn't just a modern wellness trend; it's a scientifically-backed approach that's shaking up the way we think about our health. Let's dive into the vibrations that promise more than just a buzz!
Could a refreshingly tart little berry beat back bladder infections better than conventional antibiotics?
Could a simple, safe vitamin supplement be the long sought after ALS mitigating treatment the drug companies have long dreamed of but have failed to deliver?
New research offers Parkinson's patients haunted by violent dreams a glimmer of hope through supplementing sleep-regulating brain chemicals depleted by their medications.
Intravenous magnesium sulfate rapidly and safely calms severe asthma attacks unresponsive to initial treatments in children, significantly outperforming the risks of aminophylline in a head-to-head trial.
While the traditional medical establishment calls for the removal of "broken" or "defective" body parts, a watershed study on the long-term effects of tonsillectomy and adenoid removal calls into question the propriety of this surgery, performed on nearly half-a-million children in the United States each year.
A clinical trial found a turmeric, black pepper and ginger formulation as effective as Naproxen for osteoarthritis, without NSAID side effects. Shows promise as a natural, herbal alternative.
Peppermint has been used as a herbal medicine for thousands of years. Dried leaves found in Egyptian pyramids have been carbon dated back to 1,000 BC. Modern science increasingly confirms the therapeutic potential of this plant for disease prevention and treatment.
Since biblical times dates were to believed to possess profound healing properties, but only now is science catching up to confirm our distant ancestors knew exactly what they were talking about.
What is cyanide doing in the vast majority of vitamin B12 supplements? And are there any risks associated with its use?
Health freedom is an integral yet increasingly threatened aspect of personal liberty. The ability to make informed decisions about one's health, including choosing between alternative and conventional medicine, is an essential human right. However, restrictive laws, profit-driven healthcare models, and medical authoritarianism are eroding this basic freedom.
Today, GreenMedInfo is not only the world's most widely referenced evidence-based natural health resource, but we've also become the most censored
We believe that free speech and our First Amendment rights are not only the cornerstone of our democracy, but are also essential for protecting and honoring your basic health freedoms.
Massage is one of the best ways to pamper yourself, but did you know that a massage can be extremely toxic? Unless you know what questions to ask, your massage could include a significant dose of crude oil distillates and hormone-mimicking chemicals that are on the world watch-list of carcinogens, but are somehow still allowed into your personal care products
A common food oil has been found to have antifungal properties that could literally save lives.
Could coffee do more than just stimulate alertness and stress out the adrenals? What if there was more going on to this ritualistic beverage consumed by billions around the world than just caffeine addiction? What if it was medicine for both the body and soul?
While the traditional medical establishment calls for the removal of “broken” or “defective” body parts, a watershed study on the long-term effects of tonsillectomy and adenoid removal calls into question the propriety of this surgery, performed on nearly half-a-million children in the United States each year
A groundbreaking clinical trial indicates that the most common cause of hypothyroidism (Hashimoto's disease) may be improved with the addition of only two grams of powdered black seed daily
Many diabetics already know about the benefits of a low-glycemic diet and the need for regular exercise, but too few have heard about turmeric, one of the world's most extensively researched anti-diabetic plants.
Skin aging is not simply an inevitable, gene-driven process, but has everything to do with the level of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory foods in your diet. This new study reveals you can reverse biological skin aging with a simple dietary intervention.
How many hours a day are you exposed to screen time, or synthetic light? The answer to this question may determine the rate at which your skin ages through something known as "digital stress" caused by unnatural levels of exposure to blue light. But don't worry, there are a number of solutions you can employ NOW.
A new study published in JAMA Oncology reveals that mammograms -- a common cause of false-positive breast cancer diagnoses -- result in a much higher rate of breast cancer deaths (84% higher over a 20-year surveillance period) than those who are not diagnosed with cancer mistakenly.
On Sept 18th, I decided to openly endorse RFK Jr.’s campaign for presidency. Since then, and the horrific events in Israel and Palestine, things have changed. Here's why I decided to withdraw my support, and in doing so, affirm the cause of peace in Palestine and its people who so desperately need our help NOW.
Two of the Western world's most popular foods have been implicated in immune mediated brain damage.
Painful periods afflict 1 in 4 women, and up to 90% of adolescent females. Given the dangers of drug and hormonal treatment, natural alternatives are greatly needed
With the public's growing awareness of the deadly side effects associated with the regular use of synthetic painkillers like ibuprofen, the need for natural, evidence-based alternatives has never been greater.
Now modern scientific research reveals that the practice of smudging (burning herbs) may actually have life-saving implications by purifying the air of harmful bacteria.
A new study has found that acupuncture, the ancient practice of using needles to stimulate bodily self healing, is more effective than intravenous morphine for pain.
Imagine if an entirely edible source of white light could be generated with minimal environmental and human health impacts?