In light of these and other similar developments, Sayer Ji and Jason Crowe discuss the growing move by governments to criminalize free speech, and alternative voices, information, and health freedom advocates who are not in alignment or who question the official narrative.
Sayer Ji interviews both Dr. Larry Palevsky and Dr. Peter Breggin on the topic of Masks and Social Distancing in Schools, the nature of "Covid", globalism as a context for the agenda, and more
Florida governor Ron DeSantis has set an incredibly positive precedent for the health freedom movement in the US, and the world at large, by using his executive powers to terminate all local COVID-19 orders, effective immediately, and by signing a bill which will significantly limit the governments’ ability to shut down schools, and businesses.
How concerned should we be that the newly vaccinated might adversely affect our health? What can we do? Sayer Ji shares the perspective of the New Biology, referencing horizontal information transfer (microvessicle shedding), and the Pfizer trial protocol that addresses vaccine bystander effects
A first-of-its-kind, literature review on the adverse effects of face masks titled, “Is a Mask That Covers the Mouth and Nose Free from Undesirable Side Effects in Everyday Use and Free of Potential Hazards?” reveals there are clear, scientifically demonstrable adverse effects for mask wearers, both on psychological, social and physical levels
Another Tech platform -- LinkTree -- deplatforms and censors Greenmedinfo, suppresses free speech, acts as a publisher, and yet provides no specific justification for its actions.
Sayer Ji addresses recent defamatory remarks by an organization calling itself 'The Center for Countering Digital Hate,' striking to the root issue: their attack on informed consent and freedom of information, without which ethical medicine is not possible. Please join us at, where millions of others who share our values are gathering in unity, resolve, and positive action to ensure our basic human, civil, religious, and Constitutional rights remain...
The CENSORSHIP wars continue to escalate, but the reality is that it is Big Tech, and their colluders within the medical-military-pharmaceutical complex are the ones losing, as new platforms that support freedom, health choice, and your basic human rights proliferate wildly!
After a globally coordinated campaign involving over 100 mainstream media outlets, 12 state attorney generals, and a Congressional hearing, to discredit, defame, vilify and otherwise deplatform a number of prominent health freedom advocates and whistleblowers, thousands of supporters have risen up to speak out against this failed attempt to divert attention from vaccine safety concerns, draconian government regulations, and the disastrous response thus far to the Covid crisis.
Dehumanizing and violent messages -- now rampant within social media and mainstream news outlets -- targeting those exercising their Constitutionally protected health freedoms, bear concerning resemblance to previous phases of human history marred by genocide.
Recently, an organization calling itself "Center for Countering Digital Hate" (CCDH) published what amounts to a digital hit list targeting 11 health freedom and natural health advocates, including Sayer Ji, Kelly Brogan, MD, and contributors to our newsletter, including Barbara Loe Fisher, Christaine Northrup, MD, Bobby Kennedy Jr., and Dr. Mercola.
Sayer Ji's interview titled, "Holistic Vision of the Shift," will be going live in full on the upcoming RE:UNION summit — an event that will deeply inspire and empower you with tools to navigate these extremely promising yet challenging times.
Only hours after responding to a digital hit list published by the "Center for Countering Digital Hate," which included GreenMedInfo founder Sayer Ji Twitter deleted the GreenMedInfo account, which enjoyed 13 years of good standing.
An organization calling itself 'The Center for Countering Digital Hate,' has published a digital hit list of ten health freedom advocates, including Greenmedinfo founder for his canceling/deletion from social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook.
In the past month, we’ve seen widespread censorship on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, culminating in the functional disabling of our YouTube channel (no video uploads allowed), Facebook page (near zero reach to our half a million followers) and now the second deletion of our Instagram account last night.
Censorship on the internet is not an accident. It is built into the very infrastructure and design of the web. Here's a solution you probably have never heard about before, but whose time has come: QORTAL.
Dr. Berg, proprietor of one of the largest natural health friendly medical channels on Youtube [4.2 million followers] interviews Sayer Ji, founder of for a stimulating discussion!
Back by popular demand...our second live interview with Alison McDowell and Sayer Ji, going live Jan 23rd, 2021, 2 pm EST.
Alison McDowell is an independent researcher and mom who writes about the intersection of technology and predatory philanthropy at Her work provides extraordinary context to the multitude of manufactured crises presently being justified by the response to "COVID." In this exclusive livestreamed interview, Sayer Ji dives deep into both the unprecedented problems facing us today, and solutions that thought-leaders like Alison are fast bringing to light.
Ivor Cummins reveals the data showing that the lockdowns have not had a net positive effect in the countries implementing them; to the contrary, they have caused massive harm.
Sayer Ji discusses an alternative explanation for the role of viruses in informational transfer within biological systems, and how conventional views on both bodily symptoms and viruses overlook the elegance and intelligence of nature. He covers the topic in relation to COVID, the conventional medical system, natural health, and related topics.
Sayer Ji gives a crucial update on the latest article featured on related to "COVID Confinement Camps," and predictive programming, and what action steps to take to become more empowered despite these concerning developments
2020 will go down in history as the beginning of a world historical shift of epochal proportions. Yet, we've only just begun to understand and feel the impacts of the changes initiated by the acceleration of multiple agendas -- spiritual, economical, political, environmental, biospheric -- on the back of "Covid," under the auspices of global "biosecurity." What is the underlying Narrative that aims to rule them all? What forces are we working with, and how do best...
Here's a fact worth checking....Has Bill Gates ever worn a mask? If so, where's the evidence? And if not, why is he telling everyone in the world they should wear one until the vaccine he is heavily invested in becomes available to test on the public?
You can heal the world, starting with your beautiful body, your beautiful life. One by one, we are waking up to the reality that human connection is the key
In this video, Sayer Ji announces the amazing one year anniversary of the non-profit, health freedom digital advocacy platform, Stand For Health Freedom, he co-founded with Leah Wilson, Esquire and Dr. Joel Bohemier
In this livestream, Sayer Ji touches upon the meta issues we are facing today, both as individuals and globally, focusing on Covid-19 as an event horizon for humanity, and the ontological fork in the road we are all now being asked to make a decision about which direction we will take
Alison McDowell - activist and independent researcher from Philadelphia has being extensively bringing to the surface for years now the harsh reality of what the likes of the world economic forum, agenda 21 and the fourth industrial revolution has mapped out for the global population
In this interview, Dr. Kaufman explores a new study published in NATURE which claims to establish COVID-19 related pathogenicity in an animal model, but which does not fulfill Koch's postulates for germ theory, and may overtly misrepresent the truth.
I am so excited to announce this! Behind the scenes, my beloved Kelly Brogan and I have been working to empower ourselves, amidst and with the support of our growing community (you included!) to facilitate profound healing and change in these challenging times.
Ivor Cummins delivers a vitally important update on COVID-19. This is a must watch update on COVID death statistics, from a historical and global perspective, putting it in proper context: Ivor implores us to "Get educated guys and gals - or keep your head in the sand while your errant leaders destroy society around you."
On Sept. 5th, Sayer Ji, founder of, interviewed former death records clerk, Joy M. Fritz, on the recent controversy over the CDC's alleged admission that only 6% of the estimated 181k decedents from Covid-19 died solely as a result of infection from the virus, the misunderstandings around the CDC's reports on excess deaths, as well as long-standing problems with the way death certificates are coded and understood by the public, including the fact that may iatrogenic/...
In a sudden move without explanation, Instagram deletes's account, cutting off 90,000 subscribers...But this is likely only the beginning of a great 'Social Media Purge' anticipated to unfold as part of the highly engineered response to COVID-19
For those wishing to understand the specific and detailed mechanisms through which the CDC/National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) Vital Records agency have been manipulating COVID-19 death statistics to vastly over-inflate COVID death numbers, this is a must-watch video.
Two major events are addressed in this livestream conducted by Sayer Ji on August 30th, including the CDC's latest COVID death statistics which show less than 10k died solely from the exposure to the virus
Ivor Cummins explains how despite mainstream media claims to the contrary, the epidemic has waned and has been replaced with an irrational, unscientific Casedemic.
Groundbreaking research indicates that most of what we believed about the purportedly deadly properties of flu virus is based on nothing more than institutionalized superstition and myth.
This must-see groundbreaking documentary features information that is found nowhere within the mainstream media, and which reveals the agendas behind the global coronavirus crisis of 2020.
A groundbreaking new study published in Advances in Mind Body Medicine validates the role of holistic approaches in helping patients successfully withdraw from psychotropic drugs
Join the always amazing and poetic truth-teller Sayer Ji and thought leader Sachin Patel for a constructive analysis of the state of healthcare and how we can all work together to Regenerate Medicine.
Sayer Ji, founder of, author of REGENERATE, discusses the latest lockdown in Victoria, Australia, and the concerning research on masks causing fear and anxiety responses through the suppression of O2 and the enrichment of CO2.
Wearing a face mask may carry a steep physiological price, adversely impacting your health and well-being in these already extremely stressful times.
Sayer Ji, founder of, author of REGENERATE, delivers a spontaneous livestream and Q& A on Facebook, breaking down his latest thoughts on where we are in the ongoing Coronavirus crisis.
One quarter of our global food supply contains a hidden hormone-disrupting danger that can cause serious acute, as well as chronic adverse health effects. A recent study on young girls in New Jersey found detectable concentrations in the urine of 2/3rds of the population sampled.
A new paper published in the Journal of Biological Regulators & Homeostatic Agents posits there may be a unique, causally connected relationship between 5G millimeter wave exposure and Coronavirus; an idea which though widely discussed early on in the global COVID crisis, was eventually dismissed as “conspiracy theory” by the mainstream media and government officials, resulting in widespread censorship on social media platforms
For the third time, Instagram threatened to delete the account of for posting content that questions the dominant narrative around the coronavirus crisis. Is this justified? Why are they trying so hard to censor our information?
In a concerning move, Instagram locked out of its institutional account, and warned that the account with over 70,000 followers may be deleted for posting the image at the top of this article.
Learn about the New Biology, focusing on the amazing capability of your body to regenerate. Discover how to use food as information and why alternative sources of energy have revolutionary implications on nutrition, medicine, genetics and your lifespan.
While the brain is technically microwaved through cell phone exposure, far too few do enough to reduce or avoid exposure. Solid research now exists showing that natural substances can reduce their harmful effects.
Our country, and world, face unprecedented challenges when it comes to health freedom; one in the form of mandatory vaccination and another in the form of universal wireless radiation exposure, involving increasingly complex and synergistically toxic electromagnetic frequencies
Dr. Ryan Sousley, our friend and colleague at, has put together an amazing event that anyone can join for July 4th: The [Virtual] Run for Health Freedom!
A newly released meta-analysis on the use of face masks for reducing the transmission of viral respiratory infections within community settings shows the evidence for their effectiveness is equivocal at best.