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All articles by Valerie Burke

Written by Valerie Burke
Children are far more vulnerable to the damaging effects of electromagnetic fields than we are. Your child's brain absorbs two to three times as many EMFs as yours, and sources of exposure are everywhere. What can you do?
Written by Valerie Burke
One study discovered the more grateful you are, the lower your risk of heart attack. Is there a recipe for gratitude? Learn what highly grateful people do differently from the rest
Written by Valerie Burke
Lion’s Mane is nature’s gift to your nervous system! It’s the only mushroom possessing not one but TWO potent nerve growth factors of therapeutic value in a wide range of diseases.
Written by Valerie Burke
Public concern about our increasing exposure to electromagnetic radiation is on the rise, but a shiny black rock called shungite may hold the solution
Written by Valerie Burke
An interview with “First Lady of Nutrition” Ann Louise Gittleman shares her secrets for sailing through life’s hormonal transitions--whether you’re 18 years old or 80
Written by Valerie Burke
A University of Washington study involving cheese products found endocrine-disrupting phthalates present in 29 of 30 samples tested
Written by Valerie Burke
Did you know that the air you breathe on a commercial airliner comes directly from the engine, complete with engine oil, lubricants and hydraulic fluid? A new study confirms the link between contaminated cabin air and aerotoxic syndrome. Learn what you can do to protect yourself and your family.
Written by Valerie Burke
An interview with “First Lady of Nutrition” Ann Louise Gittleman reveals five hidden causes of weight gain that might shock you
Written by Valerie Burke
This little-known therapy is being used by 40,000 physicians and dentists in more than 50 countries for everything from herniated disks to endodontic infections to Lyme disease, with no virtually adverse effects
Written by Valerie Burke
We all want natural alternatives to harsh chemical repellents, but do any really work? Learn how to make your own repellent with essential oils scientifically shown to be as effective as DEET
Written by Valerie Burke
Do you melt when you look into your dog’s eyes? Does your cat have you wrapped around her little fuzzy paws? You’re not alone! New science unlocks the mysteries of human-animal bonding and how our animal companions manipulate us into loving them—for our good and theirs.
Written by Valerie Burke
New study finds income does not determine happiness unless you have a certain personality characteristic. And money can buy happiness if you know the right recipe for spending it.
Written by Valerie Burke
Modern brain imaging shows that Kundalini Yoga causes a shift in cerebral blood flow to the part of your brain responsible for feelings of joy, happiness and compassion
Written by Valerie Burke
Imagine you could harness, at will, the mind-body connection responsible for the heightened mental states giving rise to creative genius, inspiration, bliss, mystical experiences, and possibly even enlightenment?
Written by Valerie Burke
How can one food group offer so many incredible health benefits, from preventing heart attack, stroke and dementia to protecting you from the flu? The answer is phytonutrients, and berries are simply loaded. Reading this "berry primer" will have you snatching them by the handfuls.
Written by Valerie Burke
There are good reasons for Tai Chi's exploding popularity—its list of evidence-based health benefits is so long that many are calling this walking meditation, "walking medication"
Written by Valerie Burke
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) represents a major breakthrough in the treatment of anxiety, PTSD, depression, and a wide variety of other mental and physical issues
Written by Valerie Burke
Recent studies show that this Amazonian healing elixir has the power to alleviate feelings of depression in just a few hours.
Written by Valerie Burke
For the past 20 years, GMOs have been allowed to permeate our food supply, with government regulators & industry spreading the myth of their safety, despite the contrary evidence. Why should you care?
Written by Valerie Burke
Are genetically engineered farming practices the solution to world hunger? Or is biodynamic agriculture the real solution?
Written by Valerie Burke
There are many lofty claims being made about the benefits of the Paleo diet, but are they really true?
Written by Valerie Burke
In time, EFT is bound to wiggle its way into the heart of Western medicine—it’s simply too effective NOT to. But for now, it’s one of the world’s best-kept secrets in the battle against the emotional baggage that stands between true happiness and us.

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