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Written by Capt. Randall
Detoxification is a nebulous term encompassing a host of therapeutic practices. Cell suffocating metals and organic toxins source oxidative stress/inflammation and have been implicated in everything from cancers and heart disease to Alzheimer's and depression.
Written by Capt. Randall
Could saving your teeth require firing your periodonist? While they mean well, many can not see beyond their training, using supportive, nutritional-based therapies that strike to the underlying cause of the problem
Written by Capt. Randall
What if we could invoke healing via the Placebo Effect?
Written by Capt. Randall
The Common Denominator of All Disease; Part Deux...Is Chronic Disease Just Aging? Is there a difference between Aging and Chronic Disease?
Written by Capt. Randall
Diseases display a variety of symptoms, but curiously enough, there is a common denominator!
Written by Capt. Randall
When pharmaceutical and talk therapies fail with those suffering from PTSD, consider the brain's environment...Detox!
Written by Capt. Randall
The most important medicine is invisible, mostly free and usually overlooked. Natural therapies can help keep your body healthy on a cellular level.
Written by Capt. Randall
Homemade broth can restore your joints, blood vessels, skin, bone, intestines and more...
Written by Capt. Randall
Staying healthy is hard enough without intentional disinformation. Basic science and logic can reveal the life-saving truths forbidden by our medical industrial complex and corporate media.
Written by Capt. Randall
Spot this valuable class of antioxidants in common foods and spices...Unravel the riddle of polyphenols
Written by Capt. Randall
Everyone talks about inflammation, but what is it really?
Written by Capt. Randall
We all know that Vitamin C is an essential nutrient, but few have the simple skills to use it effectively. Be a "C" student and take charge of your health.
Written by Capt. Randall
Is oxygen ... simple, free, omnipresent ... the perfect example of a healing therapy that is still generally 'forbidden knowledge' within the medical community?
Written by Capt. Randall
New findings reveal the intimate life of water, more fascinating and biologically important than we ever thought.
Written by Capt. Randall
Life at its core is a phenomenon that requires energy in the form of electrons to operate and to keep its structures intact. Living cells are internal combustion engines that must have the right fuel and lots of oxygen to produce energy.
Written by Capt. Randall
Does the common use of the word "disease" bypass critical reasoning to effectively mislead scientific thought? Modern medicine describes hundreds of individual "diseases." So Just What Is Disease? A grand unified theory....
Written by Capt. Randall
Few things strike fear into the hearts of men like the invisible terror of nuclear radiation. While the mention of a mushroom cloud sealed the sales pitch to invade Iraq a decade ago, today the subject of radiations whether from electromagnetic fields like cell phones, medical equipment, depleted uranium weaponry or Fukushima ( the elephant in the room ) has oddly been removed from mainstream conversation.
Written by Capt. Randall
Ever since humans discovered fire, our activities have been releasing a "dog's breakfast" of unnatural chemistry. The list has grown to well over 75,000 free elements, compounds and pharmaceuticals. Many of these are acidic, electron-hungry oxidants and free radical generators.
Written by Capt. Randall
“The Healer's Grail” and “Healer's Toolbox” outlined the electrochemical foundations of biology and a few of the simple substances used to maintain a balance favoring electron and oxygen abundance (a handy way to define health). There is little need to track down discreet biochemical mechanisms when protons and electrons and simple molecules like H2O, bicarbonate and magnesium determine the energetic profile of the “Inner Ocean.”
Written by Capt. Randall
In a follow-up essay to his wildly popular "The Healer's Grail," Capt. Randall, author of Forbidden Healing, shares his profound insight into the essential tools needed for healing our bodies...
Written by Capt. Randall
"Life is electrical. A new medicine and a new Earth will arise from this premise!" ~ Capt. Randall Guest Writer, Capt. Randall, author of Forbidden Healing, shares his profound insight into healing in his essay "The Healer's Grail."

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