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All articles by Jefferey Jaxen

Written by Jefferey Jaxen
Whether you live in the USA or most of Europe, one thing remains true: Covid-19 testing regimes are being aggressively pushed onto populations
Written by Jefferey Jaxen
The future idea of a 'lockdown' response at the snapping of government fingers for real, perceived or manufactured crises is attempting to root
Written by Jefferey Jaxen
Another Study Confirms Fluoride’s IQ-Lowering Effects in Children The U.S. CDC and Prevention considers community water fluoridation one of the ten greatest public health achievements of the 20th century, but has fluoridation stood the test of scientific rigor?
Written by Jefferey Jaxen
Searching the terms vaccines, Roundup, GMOs, and supplements among others using Google has been discovered to be yield biased results heavily favoring the pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries
Written by Jefferey Jaxen
Google's practices drive much of the Internet experience for most consumers by determining what they view - or rather, what they are allowed to view
Written by Jefferey Jaxen
Mailchimp is now joining various social media outlets in trying to snuff out any discussion that might question the safety of invasive medical procedures
Written by Jefferey Jaxen
$80 million in damages was the figure the jury arrived at in a unanimous verdict against Monsanto for failing to warn Edwin Hardeman of the cancer risks of the herbicide RoundUp
Written by Jefferey Jaxen
Professional education events are heavily sponsored by drug companies promoting their products as the solution. This widely used coercive and misinformation technique where drug benefits are exaggerated and side effects minimized was exposed in a recent BMJ Open study.
Written by Jefferey Jaxen
The WHO declared India "polio free" in May 2014, so why are close to half a million young Indians experiencing polio-like paralysis?
Written by Jefferey Jaxen
As Merck's HPV vaccine receives FDA approval for use in women and men ages 27 to 45, a new study adds to the growing concern that the vaccine has significant safety issues that are being ignored and/or actively suppressed.
Written by Jefferey Jaxen
According to a recent study’s findings, 93 percent of bottled water showed signs of microplastic contamination averaging 10.4 large (> 100 um) microplastic particles per liter of bottled water. The tests included brands like Evian, Aquafina, and Dasani.
Written by Jefferey Jaxen
As more prominent vaccine advocacy organizations are pushing for greater mandatory vaccination laws, a BMJ article asks if these groups are really providing the public with independent information
Written by Jefferey Jaxen
Has the World Health Organization (WHO) been purposely misleading women in developing countries into thinking they are protecting them and their future children from tetanus while in fact robbing women of their fertility and the very children they wanted to protect?
Written by Jefferey Jaxen
The public unfolding of the dangers of glyphosate appears to be reaching a crescendo, as mounting evidence is now threatening to bury this failed agricultural technology once and for all
Written by Jefferey Jaxen
Similar to the general public, nurses are increasingly refusing dangerous and often ineffective flu shots
Written by Jefferey Jaxen
Not reported by any major media outlet was a recent July 10th decision by the Office of Special Masters of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, known as the vaccine court, that sufficient evidence was put forth to rule that vaccination caused a child to die from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
Written by Jefferey Jaxen
Major tectonic shifts have occurred around the historically secretive multinational corporate structure of Monsanto, forcing transparency, furthering the public debate, and assisting lawsuits that expose the true nature of Monsanto’s toxic product and its multi-level collusion to hide the fact of its carcinogenicity.
Written by Jefferey Jaxen
Headlines were recently made announcing that the French government plans to make 11 vaccines compulsory for children, adding to the three-shot combination already mandatory (diphtheria, tetanus, and polio). Under the new jurisdiction, parents would be forced to follow the vaccination schedule.
Written by Jefferey Jaxen
What if chemotherapy actually helped to spread cancer? Many within the medical and research communities are becoming emboldened to speak out against outdated and failed healing modalities still in use today.
Written by Jefferey Jaxen
In a disturbing turn of events, Big Pharma pushes to hijack informed consent by removing side effects from direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising.
Written by Jefferey Jaxen
The people of Italy are currently facing an unprecedented assault on their health choice and informed consent.
Written by Jefferey Jaxen
The move towards mandatory vaccination is no longer a conspiracy theory. California Senate Bill 277 snapped families into a reality where informed consent and health freedom do not apply.
Written by Jefferey Jaxen
Establishment medical professionals are quick to hold up peer-reviewed studies as the gold standard, argument-ending proof in an attempt to shut down valid discussions around ‘alternative’ health and healing.
Written by Jefferey Jaxen
A recent study shows that drinking water in Iowa City, Iowa is contaminated with insecticides. The implications of this disturbing discovery could be detrimental to public health.
Written by Jefferey Jaxen
A recent review published in the journal Expert Review of Vaccines titled, “Severe varicella in persons vaccinated with varicella vaccine (breakthrough varicella): a systematic literature review” [i] examined 34 articles published between 1974-2016 in order to better understand the range of severe complications of varicella among vaccinated persons.
Written by Jefferey Jaxen
A study from West Africa's Guinea-Bissau discovered that all-cause infant mortality more than doubled after the introduction of the DTP vaccination.
Written by Jefferey Jaxen
A tidal wave of new bills has flooded 35 states in the U.S., threatening to either limit or completely eradicate vaccine exemptions. Clearly health freedom and informed consent is undergoing full frontal assualt right now. Please read, share, and take action accordingly.
Written by Jefferey Jaxen
Whistleblowers from the Indian NGO woman’s health group named Sama revealed how the young girls were being used as guinea pigs for vaccine trials all under the guise of receiving healthcare.
Written by Jefferey Jaxen
Piece by piece the foundation and historical legacy of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine is fast approaching the reality anticipated by former pharmaceutical industry physician with Gardasil manufacturers Merck when he stated in 2014, “I predict that Gardasil will become the greatest medical scandal of all times…”
Written by Jefferey Jaxen
Clinton has never been one to shy away from big corporate money to serve as the lifeblood of her campaign momentum. Despite Clinton's proclamation that she's proud to call the pharmaceutical industry her enemy, her campaign has led the pack receiving the most pharmaceutical, corporate and individual contributions.
Written by Jefferey Jaxen
“The most basic of all human rights is the ability to have control over your own body and be able to exercise informed consent when making medical decisions that can harm you or your child.” -Rob Schneider

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