Have you ever felt your money was wasted on supplements? That even though you consistently followed the protocol from your health-care practitioner you were not getting the results others obtained with the same program? You may have been right! We've helped hundreds of patients with age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) with these healing secrets designed to help "non-responders"; those for whom the average supplement and dietary protocol fails to work.
If it Isn't in Your Cup, it Should Be
The potential of increasing humanization of animals with emergent human mental and psychological capacities is the risk no one is sure of.
Feeding babies is Big Business – Deep-State style.
The health-freedom community must work quickly in the establishment of a safe structure where the flashflood of new technology can be employed without compromise or at least minimizing the latter.
The development of nano-robotics signals an invasion of privacy and increased vulnerability to outside control of internal bodily processes via monitoring by healthcare professionals.
Why is Codex fortifying infant formula, follow-up formula, cereals and NRVs for infants and children with GMO-contaminated ingredients?
The rest of the world has lost so much ground on supplement levels, usage, and sales - do you think it will happen where you live?
Just as the FDA and Codex are stripping away your ability to use nutritional supplements with therapeutic levels, alternative practitioner Harvey Bigelsen, M.D. is being attacked in a vicious attempt to force him out, leaving you at the hands of an outdated medical model and Big Pharma.
Are we seeing a worldwide power grab on powerful molecules found in your spice rack, turning them into drugs available only by prescription or subject to unnecessary regulation?
Enzymes manufactured by Advanced Enzymes in Mumbai, India have been found to be contaminated with a deadly antibiotic, resulting in one of the most widespread recalls of products in history. To date, the FDA has issued no official statement on the extent of U.S. contamination with this chemical.
The average American consumes 200 pounds of meat and fish, 67 pounds of poultry, 30 pounds of eggs, and 600 pounds of dairy products each year, virtually all of which is contaminated with veterinary drug residues.
There are far too many people from every walk of life who do not know what Codex is, where guidelines and standards are set for the World for what we will eat and drink. Even many health care professionals only have a hazy understanding how Codex affects our health! Too many people needlessly feel impotent to take their power back and create positive changes toward health and health freedom.
Whole-body x-ray backscatter scanners – which flood the body with x-rays in an effort to detect explosives and other weapons – have been deployed at U.S. airports since 2007. Although originally announced as a screening tool for a limited number of passengers, the government's goal now is to use them for all U.S. airline passengers. Many passengers do not realize that they may “opt out” of the scans and "participate" in a full-body pat-down instead.
Codex Alimentarius is a UN-sponsored concept and organization, which – under the auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) – creates food standards and guidelines used in international trade.