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All articles by Alan Phillips, J.D.

Written by Alan Phillips, J.D.
Unless we challenge policies refusing religious vaccine exemptions, we will lose our rights as citizens. Take action now.
Written by Alan Phillips, J.D.
The "Healthy People 2020" initiative's goal is vaccinating 90% of the nation's healthcare workers with the influenza vaccine by 2020. What does the science, law and evidence say about this vaccine?
Written by Alan Phillips, J.D.
More states are trying to pass legislation allowing children to consent to vaccines, a procedure that comes with a risk of injury and death. Attorney Phillips' legal analysis reveals multiple violations of state and federal laws found in New York's bill A497, which proposes to allow children to consent to vaccines for sexually transmitted diseases.
Written by Alan Phillips, J.D.
Pediatrician and pro-vaccine advocate Dr. Paul Offit, who once said a child can safely receive 10,000 vaccines at once, has spoken out repeatedly against vaccine religious exemptions, implying that his opinion is more important than the fundamental moral tenets of a variety of world religions.
Written by Alan Phillips, J.D.
Bioethicist Art Caplan, Ph.D. of NY Univ. argues that parents of unvaccinated children should be held liable for illness or death allegedly caused by their children. This article rebuts Caplan's position, and explains why liability should fall, if with anyone on this issue, on him, for the deliberate or negligent use of his academic status and authority, supported by false information, to promote a flawed vaccine policy resulting in avoidable vaccine injury and death
Written by Alan Phillips, J.D.
ABC News reported on hospital nurses who were fired for refusing flu shots, but misquoted a Vaccine Rights attorney about the law in the process, leaving those who read this article vulnerable to misunderstanding their rights and losing the exemption this fall.
Written by Alan Phillips, J.D.
The National Vaccine Information Center's Advocacy Portal ( lists current vaccine bills throughout the U.S. Right now, it lists from one to six vaccine bills in each of 30+ states. Most of these bills, if passed into law, would further expand an already out-of-control pharmaceutical vaccine agenda that seeks to require more vaccines for more people while further restricting our right to refuse them.
Written by Alan Phillips, J.D.
A review of hospital flu vaccine policies in late 2012 and legal exemption rights reveals some disturbing trends with implications for all employees in the U.S. Find out what's happened so far and what's coming!
Written by Alan Phillips, J.D.
State legislators can pass any law they want to, whether it's Constitutional or not. In recent years, states have been passing laws that allow children to consent to vaccines, despite this being blatantly unconstitutional. We must take steps to reverse this severe erosion or our fundamental rights.
Written by Alan Phillips, J.D.
Vaccines: A New Jersey bill would limit vaccine religious exemptions by requiring parents to state their religious beliefs. This raises a number of legal and ethical concerns.
Written by Alan Phillips, J.D.
A recent news story described a newborn being taken away from her mother shortly after birth because of the mother's refusal to accept a Hepatitis B vaccine. In my law practice, I also hear stories from time to time about newborns being vaccinated in the hospital after birth without the parents' permission and against the parents' wishes. Most of the time, these kind of problems are avoidable with a information about your rights and some common sense preparation.
Written by Alan Phillips, J.D.
Every so often, information circulates around the alternative vaccine community recommending that parents take a form to their child's pediatrician and ask the doctor to sign it, to prevent their children from being vaccinated and to educate the doctor about vaccines. Typically, these forms list vaccine ingredients and ask the doctor to assume liability for any adverse events that the vaccines the doctor administers may cause.
Written by Alan Phillips, J.D.
New York's A343[1] and S384, if enacted into law, will give children the right to consent to HPV and Hep B vaccines, without the knowledge and consent of their parents. Regardless of your position on vaccines, these bills set a disturbing precedent in violation of the U.S. Constitution—child consent to medical treatment.
Written by Alan Phillips, J.D.
The following pediatrician’s commentary attacking vaccine religious exemptions was published by Raleigh’s News & Observer on February 24, 2012. As the N&O failed to publish my response, I’m publishing it here, where truth is welcome, following the pediatrician’s article immediately below.
Written by Alan Phillips, J.D.
It is not enough to be informed about the many problems with current immunization policy and practice. We must effectively apply that knowledge to expand our right to make informed choices. Where the rubber meets the road with vaccine rights is in the statutes and regulations that provide or restrict those rights. Therefore, a great deal of my time is spent helping citizens throughout the U.S. present their case to state legislatures about the necessity of the right to make informed choices...
Written by Alan Phillips, J.D.
A recent California law, Family Code 6926, allows minors 12 or older to consent to medical care for the prevention of “infectious, contagious or communicable disease” if one that is required by law to be reported to the local health officer, or is a related sexually transmitted disease
Written by Alan Phillips, J.D.
Disturbingly, some hospitals have even rejected a medical doctor’s recommendation that an employee not be vaccinated. The best long-term solution, then, may be for all concerned to become legislatively active, for us to educate our representatives about the true risks and failings of vaccines and the many better and safer means of addressing infectious disease concerns.
Written by Alan Phillips, J.D.
Parents who exercise a vaccine exemption for their children are often ridiculed for putting their own children and others at risk. However, legally and medically, unvaccinated children do not pose a significant health risk to themselves or anyone else. Alternative vaccine views support this assertion, but the reasoning in this article comes straight from mainstream vaccine beliefs, accepted medical practice and current law

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