Recent GMI Blogs

All articles by Margie King, Health Coach

Midlife women have been led to believe that hormone replacement therapy is an either or proposition: either you take it or you suffer the symptoms of menopause.
Humble miso soup may have saved lives when the atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. Science now confirms miso prevents radiation injury. It may also prevent cancer and hypertension. Here's why you need at least one cup a day.
If you are among the millions of Americans suffering from joint pain and arthritis, there’s good news about a favorite summer treat. Researchers have declared that tart cherries have the “highest anti-inflammatory content of any food.” They can help you manage the pain of osteoarthritis and more.
With extreme heat settling over vast areas this summer and temperatures stuck at 100 degrees or more for days on end in some places, it's time to adjust our diets for the duration. It’s natural that rich heavy foods just don’t appeal to us when the thermometer spikes, and we turn to lighter fare to cool us off
Age-related macular degeneration is on the rise. This ancient spice may save your sight.
Kombucha is the rage among health food lovers. Now researchers have gathered 75 studies attesting to its proven health properties
Menopause can seem like torture. Women at midlife suffer with mood swings, stubborn weight gain, hot flashes, and low energy. At the same time they can develop anxiety, depression, and trouble sleeping.
If media, medical, and marketing brainwashing has you convinced there is such a thing as "bad" cholesterol, you've gotten the science all wrong
Walnuts benefit your heart, brain, bones and more. Here's why you need to eat more of them
More than 100 women in the U.S. die every day from breast cancer. Could something as simple as celery make a difference?
The ancient practice of meditation is enjoying a resurgence. Its proven health benefits have been discovered by such unlikely advocates as military programs and corporations
Probiotics occur naturally in many foods. The most popular source in the western diet is yogurt. Here are 10 proven ways yogurt can boost your health.
Women are now almost twice as likely to be on antidepressants as men. Why?
Yes, dark chocolate is heart healthy. But it can also improve your exercise performance.
Red wine is more than one of life's big pleasures. It's a bona fide heart healthy, cancer-fighting, anti-aging super-drink. Or is it poison?
Surgery probably won’t help you with chronic knee pain. But here are 10 proven ways to get you safely back in the swing of things.
Could a few shakes of this yellow powder dissolve stubborn weight and TRIPLE your loss of body fat?
Adding just 4 tablespoons of olive oil a day to a Mediterranean diet cuts the risk of invasive breast cancer by 68%
Up to 90% of colon cancer cases can be linked to diet. Let food be your medicine.
Women with iodine deficiencies are more likely to develop breast cancer. Eat more of these iodine-rich foods to reduce your risk.
The medical industry is losing the cancer battle. Arm yourself with cancer-fighting nuts
We use music - like coffee and alcohol - every day for pleasure and to boost our mood. But we may not understand how deeply music affects our brain chemistry
New research suggests that vitamin C may give you some of the same heart benefits as regular exercise.
Do you struggle with picky eaters at home? Multiply your woes by hundreds or even thousands and you have a school cafeteria. Don’t worry. Emoticons to the rescue!
After decades as a fugitive from ignorant and sometimes corrupt bureaucrats, saturated fats can come in from the cold. A new study fingers trans fats as the real culprit in heart disease.
Over a hundred years ago Congress outlawed black currants. Today this forbidden fruit is making a comeback and may help improve your mood and brain power.
Extra-virgin olive oil may rapidly killl off cancer cells while leaving healthy cells intact.
Antidepressants are big business. But for the same money, and without the side effects, a little mindfulness can do the same job.
Exercising in the great outdoors causes an increase in self-esteem, a better mood, and reduction of blood pressure and anxiety. However, you can still get the benefits of an open air workout when you're stuck inside
The government has gone to great lengths to downplay the connection between sugar and tooth decay. The result has been more profits for the sugar industry and more cavities for kids.
Psych drugs aren't just ineffective. They're deadly.
Most women probably don’t want to rush into menopause. But chemicals you encounter every day could speed up the onset of menopause by close to 4 years
Your gym membership won't make up for bad food choices.
Need to do something important this afternoon? Don’t take any chances - eat chocolate first
About 70% of Americans drink fluoridated water. They're all at a higher risk of hypothyroidism and worse.
New study: women with the real facts about mammograms are more likely to opt out of the test.
Although mushrooms get good press as a low-calorie, high fiber, low-cholesterol, low-sodium decoration for your pizza, there is much more to the mushroom story than that. Mushrooms have been valued for their culinary and medicinal properties for thousands of years and ancient cultures associated them with immortality for good reason
The federal Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act was supposed to promote healthy eating. But it seems to have the opposite effect.
We are bombarded every day by harmful radiation from medical tests like X-rays and CT scans, radon gas and radiation from space. And there is always worry about fallout from disasters like the meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan. How do you protect yourself from radiation?
Herbs and spices may be Mother Nature’s way of saving us from ourselves
My mother always told us that watching too many episodes of The Three Stooges would rot our brains. As it turns out, she may have been on to something.
A new study lends more support for the idea that a whole food is more powerful than the sum of its parts
If milk doesn’t build strong bones, what does? Here are 10 foods proven to help reduce fractures and keep bones strong.
Hard as you try, you may not be able to avoid antibiotics completely. In fact, you’re probably even getting a low dose of antibiotics in your apples and cabbage
These foods can make the difference in who becomes a victim to ovarian cancer, the most lethal gynecological cancer known.
Is your lovely glass of cabernet infused with hormone-disrupting phthalates?
Don't beat yourself up when you give into your food cravings. But some gentle tapping might help you make better food choices the next time.
Green tea may well be the healthiest drink on the planet. Now researchers have discovered one of its active compounds disrupts cancer cell metabolism.
Did you stop drinking chocolate milk sometime around middle school? Well, here's a reason for grownups to indulge in this childhood treat. Chocolate milk is heart healthy.
We've known for decades that the Mediterranean diet with lots of fruits and vegetables lowers the risk of heart disease. Now researchers have identified a key nutrient that deserves special mention
Magnesium is under-appreciated but it's involved in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It's particularly important for those at risk for diabetes.
Low libido is a common complaint among women. It affects about 10% of women in the U.S., and up to 16% in Europe and Australia. Researchers are suggesting an ancient herb may provide relief.
There was a time when vitamin D was only linked to rickets and osteoporosis. But your vitamin D level may be an issue of life and death.
Organic agriculture is booming. More and more people believe organics are better for our health than conventionally grown fruits and vegetables. But what does the science say?

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