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Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Many of the most commonly used forms of chemotherapy target the fast-replicating cells, tricking them into incorporating deadly chemicals within their DNA, like fluoride or platinum, or by otherwise blocking some key cog in the machinery of DNA replication or translation.
Written by Alan Phillips, J.D.
Parents who exercise a vaccine exemption for their children are often ridiculed for putting their own children and others at risk. However, legally and medically, unvaccinated children do not pose a significant health risk to themselves or anyone else. Alternative vaccine views support this assertion, but the reasoning in this article comes straight from mainstream vaccine beliefs, accepted medical practice and current law
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
The idea that one can reverse aging, especially in eye diseases like cataracts, is usually looked upon as an unrealistic expectation. And yet research increasingly reveals that dietary interventions can lead to remarkable improvements.
Written by Dr. Peter Braglia
Otitis media (more commonly known as an ear infection) is a generic name for several conditions that can affect the middle ear, including inflammation of the middle ear, ranging from acute to chronic and with or without symptoms.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Wheat could be driving more than your digestive system crazy
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
In the first study of its kind researchers have linked trans fatty acid consumption to increased aggression in humans. Published in the Public Library of Science’s own journal, PLoS, March 5th 2012, researchers at the Dept. of Medicine at the University of California, San Diego, reported: "This study provides the first evidence linking dTFA [dietary trans fatty acids] with behavioral irritability and aggression."
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Over the course of the past few years of indexing, has been collecting studies that confirm the traditional use of a natural substance for medicinal purposes. This section is called "Science Confirms Tradition" and contains 43 studies.
This brilliant analysis gets to the heart of one of the major problems with vaccination: injecting biological agents derived from other species into healthy children can result in serious, if not life-threatening adverse, unintended health effects.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
A new study in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Gynaecology confirms what many who have undergone a hospital birth already know: the use of the labor-inducing drug pitocin (synthetic oxytocin) leads to great pain and suffering, including serious adverse, unintended health effects to both mother and infant.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
It’s fall in the northern hemisphere and more than one type of darkness has set in. Vaccines are being injected at lightning speed. New vaccines, untested vaccines, double-strength flu vaccines for the over 65 group; none of which have been shown to be effective at keeping anyone healthy. The naïve are lining up at clinics, shopping malls, and retail stores. They don’t know which kind of vaccine they will receive. Which manufacturer is it? Does it have mercury? What chemicals does it contain?
There are myriad ways to deal with imbalances that lead to altered bacterial and fungal balance in the body such as urinary tract infections, chronic diarrhea, sinusitis and just about all seeming infections. Often the cure does not happen overnight like the apparent effect of an antibiotic, but with the approach of strengthening the whole body, the infection will retreat on its own. This approach often takes discipline and willingness to give up addictive habits.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
For quite some time the link between juvenile onset diabetes (type 1) and cow’s milk consumption has been noted in the scientific literature. You can view 12 such references on our Cow’s Milk Page. In genetically susceptible individuals the consumption of cow’s milk triggers an autoimmune destruction of the beta-cells in the pancreas which produce insulin.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
New research indicates that the microbial biodiversity of the soil and our food is being dramatically impacted by the use of herbicides like glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller. Researchers have proposed that many soil organisms, which are indispensable for the productivity of the soil in agriculture, as well as in raw and fermented dairy production, may be undergoing endangerment, if not also in some cases extinction in certain geographic regions of the world.
Written by Tracy Kolenchuk
The top 6 causes of death in the USA are: heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory disease, stroke, accidents and Alzheimer's disease. The top 6 causes of disability are arthritis (and other musculoskeltal problems), heart disease and stroke, cancer, mental health problems (depression, bipolar, etc), diabetes and nervous system disorders.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
By excluding certain medical journals from its Medline/PubMed indexing services, the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) has limited doctors’ access to information.
Unbeknownst to most doctors, the polio-vaccine history involves a massive public health service makeover during an era when a live, deadly strain of poliovirus infected the Salk polio vaccines, and paralyzed hundreds of children and their contacts. These were the vaccines that were supposedly responsible for the decline in polio from 1955 to 1961! But there is a more sinister reason for the “decline” in polio during those years; in 1955, a very creative re-definition of poliovirus infections wa
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Over a quarter of a century ago a study was performed on the seeds of the Soursop fruit, also known as graviola, which at that time demonstrated such amazing cancer-fighting potential, that those exposed to it within the conventional medical community looked upon it with complete incredulity.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Did you know that astronauts undergo vastly accelerated during space flights? It turns out that a deficiency of this mineral at the root of the problem...
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
On Feb. 23rd, 2012, an assembly bill (AB 2109) was submitted to the California Legislature by state assemblyman and pediatrician, Dr. Richard Pan (D-Sacramento), which will make it harder for parents to refuse to vaccinate their children. The bill is sponsored by the California Medical Association (CMA), the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the California Immunization Coalition.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Advertised as "produced without potentially harmful pesticides," this "Organic" Infant Formula actually contains chemicals used as pesticides and which it lists on its label as a "nutritional" ingredient. And this is just the tip of the toxicological iceberg -- a case of "organic-washing" at its worst!
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
“If we have declared a war against the soil itself, then we are literally committing a species level suicide.” — Dr. Vandana Shiva
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
END OF VACCINE EXEMPTIONS IN CALIFORNIA? Didn't take much of a fortune teller to predict the attack on the philosophical vaccine exemption in California, which I did in the April 2011 Newsletter . But it's here, right now in California. A week ago Bill AB2109 was proposed...
If you think that a vaccinated person cannot get whooping cough, in the most severe manner, think again. Most babies over the age of 6 months who get whooping cough are fully and “appropriately” vaccinated. Pertussis is admittedly, even by the vaccine enthusiasts, primarily spread by vaccinated children, adolescents and adults, who have inadequate immunity.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Modern science is beginning to vindicate the ancient wisdom of our palates … Butter, for instance, and without which - some argue - French cuisine would not be possible, contains a heavy concentration of saturated fats (the dietetic equivalent of a four letter word!), and also contains a trans-fatty acid known as vaccenic acid, that - get this! - lowers blood cholesterol levels, triglycerides and exhibits heart-protective properties.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Startling research published in the journal Apoptosis indicates that hepatitis B vaccine, which is designed to prevent Hepatitis B virus-induced damage to the liver, actually causes liver cell destruction
The German word for "quicksilver" was "quecksilber". American dentists shortened it to "quack" to describe the amalgam-hucksters. Quick-silver Associates write "It is sobering to realize that the original "quacks" were dentists who advocated the use of mercury amalgam."
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
A new study that looked at 14 years of mammography screening in Norway found that the increased incidence of breast cancer observed in that period was due to over-diagnosis: "findings of tumours that in the absence of screening would never have given rise to clinical illness."
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
New research published in the journal PLoS indicates that the use of the cholesterol-lowing class of drugs known as statins is associated with an increased prevalence of microalbuminuria, a well-known marker of vascular dysfunction, affecting both cardiovascular and kidney disease risk.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Cancer can no longer be viewed as something bad that happens to an intrinsically healthy body. Rather, cancer is something the body actively does in response to an intrinsically unhealthy cellular, bodily and planetary environment.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
While geneticists apply vast amounts of time, energy and money to finding the "causes" of disease in our genes, much less attention is placed on research that has already demonstrated the triggers of autoimmunity such as infections, vaccines, pesticide and petroleum exposure (diesel fuel particles) and the consumption of foods like wheat, cow's dairy and soy (unfermented, GMO and/or excessive) are the major contributing factors in the development of type 1 diabetes.
Written by Capt. Randall
In a follow-up essay to his wildly popular "The Healer's Grail," Capt. Randall, author of Forbidden Healing, shares his profound insight into the essential tools needed for healing our bodies...
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Recent research published in the journal Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health concluded that the "Laptop is paradoxically an improper site for the use of a LTC [laptop computer], which consequently should be renamed to not induce customers towards an improper use."
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Feeling "grounded" is an increasingly uncommon experience in this day and age, and it should be, considering we no longer regularly touch the ground with our bare feet, as nature intended.
Written by Dr. Peter Braglia
Sinus infections are the fifth most common reason antibiotics are prescribed for adults. Unfortunately, they are of no help for most sinus infections – this according to a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Is the mycellium of the mushroom the biosphere's equivalent of internet connectivity?
Written by Dr. Peter Braglia
A major article review published in The Lancet in 2010 revealed what many in the natural health profession have suspected for a long time. The review examined the results of over 41 randomized trials and over 2500 patients with tendon injuries. The reviewers found that cortisone injections did in fact provide fast and significant pain relief compared with doing nothing or partaking in physical therapy. However, cortisone shots did not heal the structural damage underlying the pain.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Disturbing new research published in the Journal of Applied Toxicology indicates that genetically modified (GM) crops with stacked traits, that is, with multiple traits such as glyphosate-herbicide resistance and Bacillus Thuringensis (Bt) insecticidal toxins engineered together into the same plant, are likely far more dangerous to human health than previously believed, due to their synergistic toxicity.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Last Wednesday the Colorado Board of Health approved a plan that would mandate 90 percent of workers in the health care setting receive flu shots, and would be phased in within 3 years. While the decision sparked a major debate regarding civil rights at the state Capitol, little attention was paid to the question of whether flu shots are effective or not.
Written by Dr. Peter Braglia
Cholesterol lowering drugs called Statins generated $34 billion in sales in 2007 and have raked in over a quarter of a trillion dollars since they were introduced two decades ago. A new study reported in the NY Times links the use of statins with a higher risk of developing diabetes.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
New research released ahead of print and published in the journal Archives of Toxicology indicates that Roundup, the most common formulation of glyphosate, which is the largest selling herbicide in the world, is not only more toxic than its constituent ingredients, but is capable of damaging DNA within a human cell line when diluted down to 45,000% lower concentrations than presently used in GMO agriculture applications.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Ultimately, our bodies tell a very different story of our origins and need for cooperation with other cellular communities (i.e. probiotics) than the human ego, and its various anthropocentric explanations of who we are and where we came from
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
The time has come to shift the conceptual framework away from the idea that cancer is something bad that happens to the body, to something the body does to survive vis-à-vis an increasingly toxic and nutrient-deprived environment.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Vaccine efficacy (as defined by antibody titer elevation) and vaccine effectiveness are not the same thing...
Written by Capt. Randall
"Life is electrical. A new medicine and a new Earth will arise from this premise!" ~ Capt. Randall Guest Writer, Capt. Randall, author of Forbidden Healing, shares his profound insight into healing in his essay "The Healer's Grail."
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder is truly much more than a unique database or premier research website. We believe that personal healing and planetary transformation are inseparable -- which is why we chose early on to do all our development and hosting through energy sources least harmful to our environment.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Would you let your infant drink from the tap? How about "Nursery Water" with added Fluoride? Isn't the point of distilling water to take contaminants and chemicals OUT?
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
The fatalism associated with cancer is heavily reinforced by the very organizations (largely self-appointed) in charge of "awareness campaigns" and "fundraising" in the increasingly gaudy and blatantly cynical "cause marketing" programs that have proliferated (like the cancers themselves) into every facet of American, consumerism-based culture. What if cancer is not actually some predestined gene-bomb setting itself off within us?
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
An ancient fermented food puts pharmaceutical drugs for bone loss to shame...
Written by Dr. Rodney Ford
Here we present you with the evidence of the universal harm of gluten.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
If you knew that cyanide was found in common mass market vitamin brands, would you consume them? How about a chemical listed as a "nutrient" on the label which is 4 times more toxic than sodium cyanide? Welcome to the wicked world of mass market ingredients like sodium selenite ("a source of selenium"), which has a 50% chance of killing a 150lb adult human at a dose weighing one fifth the weight of a penny!
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Is Splenda really a food, or a highly toxic chemical?
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
While the Polio Global Eradication Initiative (PGEI), founded in 1988, declares itself successful in nearly eradicating wild-type polio in nations like India, vaccine-induced polio paralysis cases far outnumber those the vaccines were intended to prevent. It is believed that vaccines produce at least 300% more cases of polio than those existing in the wild, indicating that a natural problem has been transformed into a manmade one.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
In the wake of a 12-year battle to keep Monsanto's Genetically Engineered (GE) crops from contaminating the nation's 25,000 organic farms and ranches, America's organic consumers and producers are facing betrayal. A self-appointed cabal of the Organic Elite, spearheaded by Whole Foods Market, Organic Valley, and Stonyfield Farm, has decided it's time to surrender to Monsanto. Top executives from these companies have publicly admitted that they no longer oppose the mass...
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
In an unprecedented decision, India's National Biodiversity Authority (NBA), a government agency, declared legal action against Monsanto (and their collaborators) for accessing and using local eggplant varieties to develop their Bt genetically engineered version1 without prior approval of the competent authorities, which is considered an act of "biopiracy."

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