
BACKGROUND: Depleted uranium is being used increasingly often as a component of munitions in military conflicts. Military personnel, civilians and the DU munitions producers are being exposed to the DU aerosols that are generated.METHODS: We reviewed toxicological data on both natural and depleted uranium. We included peer reviewed studies and gray...
"There is no safe dose of radiation" ~ Prof. Edward P. Radford, Physician and Epidemiologist While a highly coordinated effort is underway by the nuclear industry, mainstream media, medical establishment and world governments to define, justify and reinforce a "safe level of radioactivity" pertaining to the air, the water, the food, and our bo...
Whether you are aware of it or not, your food, air and water are the battle ground upon which a titanic struggle between the multinational biotech corporations Monsanto and Dow AgroScience is now playing out. As a result, your health and environment (and that of all future generations) are at profound risk of irreparable harm.   Dow AgroSci...
A growing body of clinical research indicates that formula fed infants have significantly increased risk for the following debilitating and/or life-threatening conditions: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia - Allergic Rhinitis - Aluminum Toxicity - Arteriosclerosis - Asthma - Autoimmune Diseases - Bacterial Meningitis - Cancers - Candida Infection ...
Much of the produce that is sold today in supermarkets is supplied from farmers who practice conventional farming methods. In other words, the produce has been grown using chemical fertilizers as well as pesticides and herbicides. Many scientific studies suggest that the effects of synthetic pesticides can be detrimental to our health; one study ...
Recurrent miscarriages have numerous causes making them difficult to isolate. The causes of recurrent miscarriage may also be multifaceted – and often are. While the topic of recurrent miscarriage causes has no end in sight due to continued research, a major point needs to be addressed which is often overlooked. Causes of recurrent mi...
Retinoic acid (vitamin A) found to cause inflammation in certain individuals Over the years, several of my celiac and non-celiac gluten sensitive patients have reported a dry "gritty" feeling in their eyes--often along with difficulties to focus vision and mind, reddish fingertips, and other signs of active inflammation. On further inquiry into...
[Republished with permission from the author from the original article] The US Food & Drug Admin. just approved a drug made from genetically modified carrots to treat Gaucher, a rare disease found mostly among Ashkenazi Jews.  Out of a global population of 6.8 billion, an estimated range of 600,000 to a million people carry the rec...
Millionaire vaccine inventor and mandatory vaccine advocate Paul Offit recently released a short VIDEO for doctors on medscape. Here is a transcript of the speech. This statement that outlines Offit's personal belief system could be a prelude to the legal removal of all philosophical and religious vaccine exemptions in the United States of Americ...
The science is definitive: The Hepatitis B  vaccine is not only associated with liver disease, it causes it. The specific harm done is known, clearly documented. Low doses of the hepatitis B vaccine with aluminum adjuvant results in loss of mitochondrial integrity, cell death, and apoptosis, particularly in liver cells. It is truly iro...

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