Vaccine Rights

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Written by Alan Phillips, J.D.
The following pediatrician’s commentary attacking vaccine religious exemptions was published by Raleigh’s News & Observer on February 24, 2012. As the N&O failed to publish my response, I’m publishing it here, where truth is welcome, following the pediatrician’s article immediately below.
Written by Alan Phillips, J.D.
It is not enough to be informed about the many problems with current immunization policy and practice. We must effectively apply that knowledge to expand our right to make informed choices. Where the rubber meets the road with vaccine rights is in the statutes and regulations that provide or restrict those rights. Therefore, a great deal of my time is spent helping citizens throughout the U.S. present their case to state legislatures about the necessity of the right to make informed choices...
Written by Alan Phillips, J.D.
New York's A343[1] and S384, if enacted into law, will give children the right to consent to HPV and Hep B vaccines, without the knowledge and consent of their parents. Regardless of your position on vaccines, these bills set a disturbing precedent in violation of the U.S. Constitution—child consent to medical treatment.
Written by Alan Phillips, J.D.
State legislators can pass any law they want to, whether it's Constitutional or not. In recent years, states have been passing laws that allow children to consent to vaccines, despite this being blatantly unconstitutional. We must take steps to reverse this severe erosion or our fundamental rights.
Written by Alan Phillips, J.D.
A recent California law, Family Code 6926, allows minors 12 or older to consent to medical care for the prevention of “infectious, contagious or communicable disease” if one that is required by law to be reported to the local health officer, or is a related sexually transmitted disease
Obstetricians and primary care physicians throughout the world will no-doubt be lauding the result of one publication, “Neonatal outcomes after influenza immunization during pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial,” which can be downloaded free at the time of this publication HERE, and the abstract can be viewed HERE. This study will be cited by doctors, advisory panels, and pharmaceutical drug reps. as they work to increase vaccination rates and sales using pregnant mothers as receptacles
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Last Wednesday the Colorado Board of Health approved a plan that would mandate 90 percent of workers in the health care setting receive flu shots, and would be phased in within 3 years. While the decision sparked a major debate regarding civil rights at the state Capitol, little attention was paid to the question of whether flu shots are effective or not.
Written by Norma Erickson
Are HPV vaccines a viable option in your personal war against cancer? It is very difficult to make an informed choice about Gardasil or Cervarix when you receive only part of the available information. The time has come to take a critical look at the facts behind recent HPV vaccine news reports.
Written by Heidi Stevenson
There is no evidence that Gardasil or Cervarix can prevent cancer better than a decent screening program. There is strong evidence that they can produce severe and life-threatening harm. This report by 4 scientists documents how science has been corrupted & misused to promote these life-devastating vaccines.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
A stunning new report reveals that the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has been monitoring independent health sites and their users in an attempt to identify 'anti-vaccine influencers' and their effect on lackluster vaccine uptake.

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