A new report alleges that when the CDC insists the MMR vaccine does not cause autism or they have no research demonstrating that vaccines are linked to or cause autism, they are guilty of criminal behavior and complicit in the injury of innocent children the world over.
Vaccines currently recommended during pregnancy include the flu shot and the pertussis vaccine (Tdap). What is the link between prenatal vaccines and autism? This is the question that we will explore.
Vaccines are the template for the fear-based belief system that those who don't know their history will easily fall for.
Everybody now knows that probiotics are good for you. But here are twelve recently discovered benefits of probiotics that might really surprise you!
Do you know what's in a vaccine? Will the active, inert and hidden ingredients in a vaccine make you question if you want vaccines in your body?
Viruses like sugar. They bind to sugar. But it's not a simple matter of dietary sugar. This article explores susceptibility to injury, including lethality, by measles and vaccination. It may come down to sugar.
Could the connection between retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, or Autism be the scientific story of the century?
Scientists claim the XMRV is nothing to worry about. Perhaps you agree. Now is the time to take a look at the evidence presented by these scientists who declare there is no relationship between XMRV and disease. You may want to reconsider.
10 ways the pro-vaxxers shut down reasonable debate on vaccines.
What if vaccines have never been soundly confirmed to be safe and effective? What if the CDC, vaccine manufacturers and advocates knew of these discrepancies and contradictions, yet intentionally ignored them against the public interests?
Do you have histamine intolerance symptoms? The GAPS Protocol may be the detoxification, supplement and lifestyle program and diet you may need.
GreenMedInfo is honored to welcome Dr. Judy Mikovits to the team as she continues her search for absolute truth within the scientific community. As a true scientist, Dr. Mikovits believes it is her duty to seek truth at any cost, and we gladly stand by her side.
Our vaccine-injured children are in pain and suffering profoundly. Taking action with our dollar may be the only way to help them.
The recent CDC whistleblower scandal has revealed more than just falsified and fraudulent manipulation of data covering up the vaccine and autism connection.
Are journalists being censored when they write about issues on vaccine safety and the devastating problems in our current American vaccine system?
What I discovered in my own Keurig was shocking and sickening and why I am kicking my Keurig to the curb
Cancer deaths from Chernobyl have been grossly underreported. Have we finally reached the "Chernobyl" moment with vaccines and vaccine injuries?
These 3 Pillars of Radiant Health can serve as guideposts for many health issues that may come up: protecting your microbiota, changing how and what you eat, and choosing non-toxic subsitutes.
Aluminum has been linked to diseases such as cancer, autism, and Alzheimer's. This toxic material is entering the human body via everyday consumption of food, water, cosmetics and an increasing number of vaccinations.
The Affordable Care Act doesn't work for everyone. Here's how to opt out of Obamacare and enroll an alternative solution.
Unfortuantely schools throughout the country consider Chick-fil-A food "better fast food,"even allowing their mascot direct marketing access to children within schools. But a quick perusal of their famous Waffle Fries reveals that their food is as junky, GMO, and toxic as any other fast food brand.
For those interested in health, "Plague" is a book about a bold and courageous scientist search for the truth about human retroviruses, ME/CFS, autism and other diseases.
Four studies spanning 25 years prove vaccinated children are at greater risk of serious illness and neurological disorders than their non-vaccinated peers.
Data manipulation and concealment of research findings on initial 2004 MMR Vaccine Study found a strong statistical association between the timing of the MMR Vaccine and autism incidence in African-American boys