On a popular online deal today, I saw vitamin infused 'chocolate candy'. These delicious candied morsels are infused with probiotics, calcium, and vitamin D3, then covered in creamy milk chocolate. Sounds good? Maybe a bit like yogurt with probiotics? Are these getting us psychologically ready for 'special' future medical food, without a 'need’ for vaccines?
A new NIH study proclaiming that Ginkgo biloba causes cancer is so absurd you must wonder if they produced it with a straight face. More important, though, is why—and the reason is truly frightening. It’s part of a system determined to steal all natural health methods and hand them to Big Pharma & Big Medicine for profits.
Food has lost its story. Stripped of context, meaning, and reduced to its molecular composition, ancient recipes for health and joy long to be recovered
Recent technological developments have made possible the creation of plastic antibodies, as well as organ printing systems which could eventually find widespread commercialization. This disturbing trend predicts the future development of human-machine hybrid systems, launching our species into a trans-human, if not altogether post-human phase of (d)evolution.
Agribusiness is in a mad rush to take over the earth, and seems willing to stop at nothing. Coming soon is cabbage with scorpion poison engineered in every cell. Of course, they claim it’s safe and will result in less pesticide use, but history and logic say otherwise. Who will wake from the insane mating between Agribiz and GMOs?
Sounds like a science fiction horror story, but it is what is happening. Today, I heard about Zombie Bees being found now in Washington State, and a new swarm possibly sighted in British Columbia. What? It is thought these bees are infected with a parasitic fly causing them to erratically fly at night until death. An adult fly infects the bees by injecting eggs into the bee's body. The bee is eaten from the inside as the maggots hatch.
Did you know that scientists all over the globe are creating extremely bizarre human-animal chimeras? Can you imagine what kind of sick and twisted experiments are taking place in the dark corners of secret labs that nobody knows about?
Today, we see horrific manifestations of a sick society with zombie-like heartless acts of violence. We are seeing creepy emerging emerging pathologies, new assaults to immunology, science fiction mad scientists, and technology with disturbing self-serving agendas.
The Biotech industry is feverishly developing 'biopharmed' plants and animals designed to express human proteins, many of which are intended for human consumption -- the very definition of cannibalism.