Many things are being altered right before our eyes, mostly without your consent, or maybe knowledge. These changes are from funded and classified experiments, accidents, and new science with creepy 'modern' agendas. This sort of broad scale change is unfolding in nearly every facet of our lives. But the signs and symptoms already indicate that not everything is too good for health.
Lets start with food for example. The bioavailability of nutritional benefits seems to be getting...
Recent technological developments have made possible the creation of plastic antibodies, as well as organ printing systems which could eventually find widespread commercialization. This disturbing trend predicts the future development of human-machine hybrid systems, launching our species into a trans-human, if not altogether post-human phase of (d)evolution.
Are we living in the last days of being wild and 'natural' humans? We take for granted that our thoughts are private, owned by us, and always will be. The other day, I took some photos of wild geese in Canada, but when I blew up the photos, I was dumbfounded to see white plastic collars on their necks, with numbers. These tracking numbers were RFID tags of sorts. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Devices), is a tracking technology.
On a popular online deal today, I saw vitamin infused 'chocolate candy'. These delicious candied morsels are infused with probiotics, calcium, and vitamin D3, then covered in creamy milk chocolate. Sounds good? Maybe a bit like yogurt with probiotics? Are these getting us psychologically ready for 'special' future medical food, without a 'need’ for vaccines?
Could side effects from food additives, water fluoridation, GMO’s, tainted air, excessive vaccines, cause people to become mediocre, and lose their critical thinking abilities? Some new technologies could make living a ‘natural’ life challenging in the near future. In fact, according to the Strategic Social Initiative, (, scientists, technologists, and entrepreneurs support the forming of a ‘new evolutionary strategy’ for humanity. Could this become human evolution?
Do you wonder why films such as "World War Z", "Walking Dead," "I am Legend," or even the 'tongue and cheek' marketing campaigns focus on 'zombie apocalypse warnings'? Is it just for your entertainment and giggles?
Let's face it: the only real justification for using vaccines to "immunize" ourselves against disease is derived from the natural fact that when challenged by infectious agents the humoral arm of our immune system launches a successful response capable of conferring lasting immunity. Were it not for the elegance, proficiency, and mostly asymptomatic success of our recombinatorial immune system in dealing so well with infectious challenges, vaccination would have no scientific...
The truth is that the GMO and vaccine agendas are the same; only, activists appear to think there is a difference.
The potential of increasing humanization of animals with emergent human mental and psychological capacities is the risk no one is sure of.