Dedication of

Dedication of (GMI) dedicates this website to the many animals who gave their lives - without their consent - and were utilized throughout countless experiments that informed the thousands of animal studies sourced from the National Library of Medicine and indexed here in our database.
     The posting of these animal studies at GMI was not an easy decision to make.  However, it was made years ago after much contemplation and for very specific reasons.  Because of what vivisection actually represents we find it necessary to use this dedication for further education and enlightenment around this highly controversial practice.
The dominant medical research model requires untold suffering be inflicted upon animals ostensibly to alleviate suffering in humans. Could the quality of information gleaned from vivisection (from Latin vivus ("alive") + ("cutting")) - and the (im)moral energy that drives it - explain why those who embrace this medical model too often find themselves drugged, irradiated and laid open on the operating table too?  (Has Drug-Based Medicine Become A Form of Human Sacrifice? Sayer Ji, Founder of
     Any compassionate person might ask how cutting live animals and killing others for scientific gain could possibly “alleviate suffering in humans”.  The truth of the matter is that it probably doesn't produce this result and most likely causes the opposite to occur.  Truly, the animals who populate the animal kingdom are our brethren and ought to be treated with much love and respect.  To subject them to experiments which cause them great pain and suffering is not consistent with GMI values, principles and ethics.  Which is one of the reasons why we posted these studies; we felt that these exploited animals should not have died, or suffered, in vain.
     Therefore, in great recognition of the extraordinary sacrifice made by our animal friends we offer all the animal studies posted here, which specifically demonstrate the health and medical benefits derived from natural medicine, in their memory.  Of course, the natural medicines of which we speak do not include substances which require the death of animals.  By and large these natural healing agents (which predominate at GMI) are from the plant kingdom and therefore a part of Mother Earth’s natural pharmacopeia.
     For those who are unaware, the entire evidence-based, biomedical research model is one that is as fundamentally flawed as it is profoundly skewed.  The very utilization of animals in research experiments is one of those fatal flaws which invariably skews the data.  A human body is simply too different from an animal body for many of the various conclusions to be valid. 
     Do the ~40,000+ studies indexed here  reveal information that is applicable to human health?  They sure do; especially the "Human Studies" and that’s why we publish this biomedical research literature at GMI.  However, in the case of the many "Animal Studies", the conclusions are far from the ‘gold standard’ that they are touted to be.     

     It is our sincere hope that, through the myriad scientific revelations found at GMI, the world will come to place far greater value on Mother Nature’s plant and mineral remedies.  By doing so, humankind will be in a much better position to migrate away from the conventional medical model as the dominant health and wellness paradigm.  Likewise, we would like to see a precipitous decrease in the regular use of pharmaceutical drugs.  Allopathic medicine has, after all, enjoyed such tremendous commercial success because of the prodigious volume of “evidence-based biomedical research” that has been funded by chemical and pharmaceutical corporations. 

     In closing this "Dedication" all of us here at would like to, once again, remorsefully acknowledge the great sacrifice made by the multitude of precious animals toward the physical upliftment of humankind.  Although vivesection continues to be a standard practice thoughout the medical research model, we sincerely hope that this dedication will contribute to its phasing out and eventual termination.  Then, true healing can begin for both humanity and the animal kingdom.  The entire planet will ultimately reap numerous benefits from such a much needed transition toward a truly compassionate healthcare system. 

"You can judge a society by the way it treats its animals"Mahatma Gandhi

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Your Friends @ GreenMedInfo

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