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Going Against the Grain Towards Better Health

Grains are often called the "staff of life," having a sort of credibility that is biblical in proportion. So prevalent is the perception that grains make for "good food" that the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - which is the United Nation's international agency for defeating hunger - uses a head of wheat as its emblem, with the Latin Fiat Panis or "Let There Be Bread" as its motto
Grains are often called the "staff of life," having a sort of credibility that is biblical in proportion. So prevalent is the perception that grains make for "good food" that the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - which is the United Nation's international agency for defeating hunger - uses a head of wheat as its emblem, with the Latin Fiat Panis or "Let There Be Bread" as its motto Despite the rather lofty secular position a loaf of whole grain bread may hold in the international community, the biblical record actually shows that the first foods mentioned in the Bible were the Herbs and Fruit Trees (Genesis 1:29) and that by punishment for sin God gave man bread: ...cursed is the ground for thy sake;...In the sweat of thy face shalt though eat bread, till though return unto the ground... (Genesis 3:17,19) The inherent wisdom of this biblical message has long been forgotten and today, according to the USDA MyPlate, grains should constitute a sizeable sector of our diet in the form of "bread, cereal, rice, and pasta." Many of us, whose hyper-agrarian taste buds and gastrointestinal tracts have never once gone a day without some grain-derived morsel of bread or cracker, find ourselves expressing our dependency on these foods in telling, half confessionary phrases like: "I'm starving for a piece of bread," or "that pizza is to die for," forgetting that among non-agrarian peoples, grains were universally considered a last resort, or, starvation food only. In an...
06-22 2011

Consumer Alert: 300+ Health Problems Linked to Statin Drugs

A growing body of clinical research now indicates that the cholesterol-lowering class of drugs known as statins, are associated with over 300 adverse health effects -- research boldly flying in the face of national health policy, medical insurance premium guidelines, statin drug manufacturing advertising claims, and the general sentiment of the public, with approximately 1 in every 4 adult Americans over 45 currently using these drugs to "prevent heart disease."
A growing body of clinical research now indicates that the cholesterol-lowering class of drugs known as statins, are associated with over 300 adverse health effects -- research boldly flying in the face of national health policy, medical insurance premium guidelines, statin drug manufacturer advertising claims, and the general sentiment of the public, with approximately 1 in every 4 adult Americans over 45 currently using these drugs to "prevent heart disease." The Cholesterol Myth For well over 40 years, statin drugs have successfully concretized a century old myth about the primary cause of heart disease: namely, that cholesterol "causes" plaque build up in the arteries, ultimately leading to obstruction of blood flow, and subsequent morbidity and mortality. Indeed, the medical establishment and drug companies have been singing the praises of this "cholesterol myth," to the tune of 25 billion dollars in statin drug sales, annually. While it is true that oxidized low-density lipoprotein is found within the atheromatous plaque that is found in damaged arteries, it is less likely a cause than an effect of heart disease. The underlying damage to the lining of the artery, which could be infectious, chemical, stress and/or nutritionally-related, comes before the immune response that results in plaque buildup there. Blaming LDL cholesterol for causing heart disease, is like blaming the scab for the injury that caused it to form, or, like blaming the band-aid for the scab it is...
04-02 2012

Is Sprouted Wheat Bread Really Healthier? Not Really...

Now that celiac disease has been allowed official entry into the pantheon of established medical conditions, and gluten intolerance is no longer entirely a fringe medical concept, the time has come to draw attention to the powerful little chemical in wheat known as 'wheat germ agglutinin' (WGA) which is largely responsible for many of wheat's pervasive, and difficult to diagnose, ill effects
Now that celiac disease has been allowed official entry into the pantheon of established medical conditions, and gluten intolerance is no longer entirely a fringe medical concept, the time has come to draw attention to the powerful little chemical in wheat known as 'wheat germ agglutinin' (WGA) which is largely responsible for many of wheat's pervasive, and difficult to diagnose, ill effects. Not only does WGA throw a monkey wrench into our assumptions about the primary causes of wheat intolerance, but due to the fact that WGA is found in highest concentrations in "whole wheat," including its supposedly superior sprouted form, it also pulls the rug out from under one of the health food industry's favorite poster children. Below the radar of conventional serological testing for antibodies against the various gluten proteins and genetic testing for disease susceptibility, the WGA "lectin problem" remains almost entirely obscured. Lectins, though found in all grains, seeds, legumes, dairy and our beloved nightshades: the tomato and potato, are rarely discussed in connection with health or illness, even when their presence in our diet may greatly reduce both the quality and length of our lives. Although significant progress has been made in exposing the dark side of wheat over the past decade, gluten receives a disproportionate share of the attention. Given that modern bread wheat (Triticum Aestivum) is a hexaploid species containing six distinct sets of chromosomes capable of...
01-09 2012

A Higher Level of Freedom: The Benefit of Cannabis to Health

In a day and age where possession of an herb like cannabis – which grows freely on this Earth -- is an offense sometimes punishable by incarceration, it is important for us to reflect on how we arrived at this dark point in time. Herbs, after all, were put there by God. If you prefer the word Nature, the point is the same, and it was put best by Bob Marley when he said: "you can't tell God it [cannabis] is illegal."
"If the words "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" don't include the right to experiment with your own consciousness, then the Declaration of Independence isn't worth the hemp it was written on." - Terence McKenna While this article is not focused on the recreational use of cannabis, Terence McKenna's quote speaks directly to a sacred right, increasingly being legislated against in our society, namely, the ability to choose and use substances that grow freely on this Earth as our medicine. In a day and age where possession of an herb like cannabis is an offense punishable by incarceration, it is important for us to reflect on how we arrived at this dark point in time. Herbs, after all, were put here by God. If you prefer the word Nature, the point is the same, and it was put best by Bob Marley when he said: "you can't tell God it [cannabis] is illegal." And yet authorities are telling God, and you and me, that is is illegal, despite a growing body of scientific evidence that it has profound potential as a medicine. Does this not in some way call into question the very legitimacy and authority of those who would lay claim to the right to decide what a human can or can not use a natural substance to improve their health, or enliven their spirit? As long as no harm is being done to others in the act of choosing what is best for oneself, who can rightfully take issue with the freedom to choose one's own "medicine"? Were it not for the fact that the human body is...
04-04 2012

Join GreenMedInfo's Health & Wellness Revolution: Become A Writer

GreenMedInfo is currently looking for a select group of health and wellness writers to join our team. As you can see from our content at, we are an aggregator of high integrity biomedical research as well as an interlocutor of the same scientific literature. We are also a highly respected source of topical health issues and environmental subjects which concern your well-being today.
Join GreenMedInfo's Health & Wellness Revolution: Become a Writer GreenMedInfo is currently looking for a select group of health and wellness writers to join our team. As you can see from our content at, we are an aggregator of high-integrity biomedical research as well as an interlocutor of the same scientific literature. We are a highly respected, widely-referenced source of topical health issues and environmental subjects which concern your well-being today. Because of the ever-accelerating daily news cycle, particularly around matters of health and wellness, we have an immediate need for seasoned health bloggers and website writers. Those who are either health enthusiasts by avocation or practitioners by occupation would be especially welcome. We prefer experiential knowledge over book knowledge, but do require an ability to read and understand the applicable research. For an example of the type of writing we are looking for, here is one writer whose voice and approach we wish to reproduce in some fashion: Our founder, Sayer Ji, is also one of our main contributors. You can see his work, which is varied in voice and approach, here: We place special emphasis on the following article type which translates the data contained on our site into practical applications.
08-27 2013

Flu Shots Mandated In Health Workers, But Do They Work?

Last Wednesday the Colorado Board of Health approved a plan that would mandate 90 percent of workers in the health care setting receive flu shots, and would be phased in within 3 years. While the decision sparked a major debate regarding civil rights at the state Capitol, little attention was paid to the question of whether flu shots are effective or not.
Last Wednesday the Colorado Board of Health approved a plan that would mandate 90 percent of all of their workers in the health care setting to receive mandatory flu shots, and would be phased in all facilities within the next three years. While the decision sparked a major debate regarding civil rights at the state Capitol, little attention was paid to the question of whether the flu shots are actually an effective measure or not. As it presently stands, there exists no sound medical science, but primarily economic and political motivation which generates the immense pressure behind mass participation in the annual ritual of flu vaccination.  It is a heavily guarded secret that within the medical establishment (especially within the corridors of the CDC) that the Cochrane Database Review, which is the gold standard within the evidence-based medical model for assessing the effectiveness of common medical interventions, does not lend unequivocal scientific support to the belief and / or propaganda that flu vaccines are safe and effective. To the contrary, these authoritative reviews reveal that there is a conspicuously large amount of lacking conclusive evidence as to the effectiveness of influenza vaccines in children under two, healthy adults, the elderly, and healthcare workers who take care of the elderly. Below is the Cochrane Database Review on influenza vaccination for heatlhcare workers who work with the elderly which concluded: "[T]here is no evidence that...
02-18 2012

Is Barefoot Contact With the Earth Necessary For Health?

Feeling "grounded" is an increasingly uncommon experience in this day and age, and it should be, considering we no longer regularly touch the ground with our bare feet, as nature intended.
photo by Lorenz Kerscher The civilized man has built a coach, but has lost the use of his feet. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson Feeling "grounded" is an increasingly uncommon experience in this day and age, and it should be, considering we no longer regularly touch the ground with our bare feet, as nature intended. This is due the rapid rate of technology that our society has undergone which has kept us from being in touch with our roots. The question is, is the process of advancing technologically causing us damage physically and mentally in a way that we never could have imagined? It is no great mystery that the human foot was designed, over countless millenia, to be in direct contact with the Earth, the literal and symbolic ground of our being. And the Earth is no inert substance, but rather a living and breathing entity (of which we are but a mere part) capable of infusing us with its life, 'singing the body electric,' as Walt Whitman once mused. Indeed, the Earth breathes life into us through a continual stream of free electrons... It is well established, though not widely known, that the surface of the earth possesses a limitless and continuously renewed supply of free or mobile electrons as a consequence of a global atmospheric electron circuit. Wearing shoes with insulating soles and/or sleeping in beds that are isolated from the electrical ground plane of the earth have disconnected most people from the earth's electrical rhythms and free electrons to flow from the...
02-21 2012

Healthiness and Healthicines

There is a difference between someone who is unhealthy and someone who is sick. Part of that difference is the viewpoint, from which we look. When we look from a medical viewpoint - we tend to find illness. When we look from a healthicine view point - we are more able to see and understand healthiness and unhealthiness. Medicine is defined, by Wikipedia, as 'the science and art of healing'. The body heals.
There is a difference between someone who is unhealthy and someone who is sick. Part of that difference is the viewpoint, from which we look. When we look from a medical viewpoint - we tend to find illness. When we look from a healthicine view point - we are more able to see and understand healthiness and unhealthiness Medicine is defined, by Wikipedia, as 'the science and art of healing'. The body heals. Medicine is the science and art of preventing, diagnosing and treating illness. If the illness is treated properly - the body heals. Medicine turns to the next problem. In many cases, when you visit a doctor, you are given a prescription and told "try this, and let me know how it works". There is little art, no science with regards to healing. Take the drugs and hope your body heals.  Healthicine is the art and science of healthiness. After you leave the doctor's office, after you take the prescription, even if you are 'healthy' according to the doctor (eg. not sick). You can still benefit from the art and science of healthiness. This diagram shows the relationship between medicine and healthicine. Medicine is to the left of  the red line of diagnosis. Once an illness is diagnosed, medical techniques are used in an attempt to treat the 'illness'. These techniques are not always the most appropriate. Some illnesses strike from external sources - bacteria, bullets, toxins and viruses. Many illnesses are the result of declining healthiness. In many...
03-24 2012

Universal Declaration of Health Freedom

Everyone has a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of healthiness. Most governments have recognized the people's rights to life and liberty. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights says "Everyone has the right to life, liberty and...". The United States Declaration of Independence says "All men ... are endowed ... with certain unalienable rights, ... life, liberty and..."
Everyone has a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of healthiness Most governments have recognized the people's rights to life and liberty. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights says "Everyone has the right to life, liberty and...". The United States Declaration of Independence says "All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that amount these are life, liberty and..."; These rights are fundamental; they are not conditional nor linked to any responsibilities. There are some alternatives for the word after 'and'. Now is the time to correct this situation.  Everyone has a right pursue their own healthiness. To heal when you are sick, to rest when you are tired. To make decisions and take actions that affect your personal healthiness. Everyone has a right to medical assistance and treatment, to choose their doctor and their treatments - or not. Health freedom does not necessarily mean 'free treatment'. We need efficient and effective systems to administer payments for health and medical treatments - to decide which treatments will be paid for by the community - and which are paid for by the person. These systems need to be flexible to change as our knowledge of medicine and health changes. Payment systems are not about health freedom.  Is there difference between a right to pursue healthiness and a right to medicine? We might think of health as a 'yes or no'. Either you...
03-29 2012

5 Medicine Myths; 6 Healthicines

The top 6 causes of death in the USA are: heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory disease, stroke, accidents and Alzheimer's disease. The top 6 causes of disability are arthritis (and other musculoskeltal problems), heart disease and stroke, cancer, mental health problems (depression, bipolar, etc), diabetes and nervous system disorders.
The top 6 causes of death in the USA are: heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory disease, stroke, accidents and Alzheimer's disease. The top 6 causes of disability are arthritis (and other musculoskeletal problems), heart disease and stroke, cancer, mental health problems (depression, bipolar, etc), diabetes and nervous system disorders We can see that heart disease and stroke are at the top of both lists. Heart disease and stroke are, for the most part, illnesses of the circulatory system and although they are classified separately, they have virtually the same causes. Second is cancer. Chronic lower respiratory disease is a combination of degenerative illnesses, typically caused by environment or choices. Accidents are accidental. Mental health problems are next on the list of serious illness. Followed by diabetes and then nervous system disorders (MS, Parkinsons, ALS , epilepsy, etc). Note: mental health problems are probably often nervous system disorders.  So, the top 5 medical problems are in priority sequence: circulatory system illnesses (heart attack and stroke), cancers, nervous system disorders (including mental health issues), arthritis and diabetes.   What does our medical system know about these priority illnesses? Primary cause? Best treatment? Best preventative?  We can easily figure out the main point. Inflammation. The primary indicator of circulatory illness, leading to heart attack or stroke, is inflammation. The Yale...
03-07 2012

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