Food has lost its story. Stripped of context, meaning, and reduced to its molecular composition, ancient recipes for health and joy long to be recovered
Is "healthy trans fat" an oxymoron? Maybe not. There may be an exception to the no trans fats rule
Companies selling coconut oil in California are finding out the hard way that they cannot claim that coconut oil is “healthy” because the FDA does not allow such a claim, even if scientific studies back up this claim, along with hundreds of thousands of customer testimonials about the health benefits of coconut oil
Eating locally: Is the true benefit to the individual living in the world now; to the current global community; or to the planet earth of today ...or to none of the above?
Can coconut oil boost your metabolism and brain function, increase your immune health and reduce fever? Here are over 50 more coconut oil benefits backed by science.
Far too many are still swooned by false promises from people with initials like "Dr." and "CEO" in front of their names.
Does the common use of the word "disease" bypass critical reasoning to effectively mislead scientific thought? Modern medicine describes hundreds of individual "diseases." So Just What Is Disease? A grand unified theory....
Food has lost its story. Stripped of context, meaning, and reduced to its molecular composition, ancient recipes for health and joy long to be recovered
Eating locally: Is the true benefit to the individual living in the world now; to the current global community; or to the planet earth of today ...or to none of the above?
Can coconut oil boost your metabolism and brain function, increase your immune health and reduce fever? Here are over 50 more coconut oil benefits backed by science.
Far too many are still swooned by false promises from people with initials like "Dr." and "CEO" in front of their names.
How many times have you heard a meal of red meat, butter, eggs or other saturated fat-laden foods called "artery clogging" or "a recipe for a heart attack?" What if we have it all wrong and those fatty meals are actually protecting our hearts in the event of an attack?
Butter has gotten a bad rap for many years, starting in the last century with the rise of margarine, which we now recognize as a deadly trans fat. More recently, butter has been shunned in favor of olive oil and canola oil. But here’s why we should reserve a place at the table for good old-fashioned butter
Government Advice on Nutrition has Destroyed Countless Lives the Past Few Decades, Since the War on Fat Started in the 1970s
Is "healthy trans fat" an oxymoron? Maybe not. There may be an exception to the no trans fats rule
Butter has gotten a bad rap for many years, starting in the last century with the rise of margarine, which we now recognize as a deadly trans fat. More recently, butter has been shunned in favor of olive oil and canola oil. But here’s why we should reserve a place at the table for good old-fashioned butter
How many times have you heard a meal of red meat, butter, eggs or other saturated fat-laden foods called "artery clogging" or "a recipe for a heart attack?" What if we have it all wrong and those fatty meals are actually protecting our hearts in the event of an attack?
Government Advice on Nutrition has Destroyed Countless Lives the Past Few Decades, Since the War on Fat Started in the 1970s
Companies selling coconut oil in California are finding out the hard way that they cannot claim that coconut oil is “healthy” because the FDA does not allow such a claim, even if scientific studies back up this claim, along with hundreds of thousands of customer testimonials about the health benefits of coconut oil
Does the common use of the word "disease" bypass critical reasoning to effectively mislead scientific thought? Modern medicine describes hundreds of individual "diseases." So Just What Is Disease? A grand unified theory....