The main failing in most of Western Medicine is misdiagnosis. You cannot successfully fight what you do not successfully understand
If media, medical, and marketing brainwashing has you convinced there is such a thing as "bad" cholesterol, you've gotten the science all wrong
Do your eyes frequently ache after staring at your tablet or smartphone? It’s not just the strain of looking at a small screen. It may be a sign of irreversible damage being done to your eyes—cellular damage that can lead to blindness
Cholesterol lowering drugs called Statins generated $34 billion in sales in 2007 and have raked in over a quarter of a trillion dollars since they were introduced two decades ago. A new study reported in the NY Times links the use of statins with a higher risk of developing diabetes.
We keep hearing about different types of cholesterol. It's all nonsense. There’s only one cholesterol molecule, so there’s only one type of cholesterol. What started this nonsense of types of cholesterol?
We have been indoctrinated for years to avoid cholesterol, but what if we have been taught wrong? Cholesterol is, in fact, an essential building block for the body and is key to good health. What it all boils down to is what we include, or leave out, of our diets
There is a little known natural extract of plant waxes known as policosanol, extractable from sugar cane, yams, and beeswax, which has been giving some of the more profitable drugs on the market a biomedical beating since it was first investigated in clinical trials by the Cubans in the 1990's.
Claiming a ‘Deadly Internet-Driven Cult’ is driving poor statin drug sales, a prominent cardiologist says that the hundreds of 'side effects' reported in the peer-reviewed medical literature and by patients are just 'imagined.'
It’s strawberry season! Long touted for their taste, strawberries have drawn little attention for their health benefits
Growing Importance of Legitimate Expertise in Independent Peer-Reviewed Publications - Part 1
Not only is Functional Medicine here to stay, it is poised to be the centerpiece in one of the most significant shifts in the health and medical paradigm in the past one hundred years. For anyone who has been paying attention, there has been a virtual war going on between Conventional/Allopathic Medicine and Functional/Natural Medicine since the early 1900s. In fact, this virtual war often became a real war when the medical establishment would attack and try to discredit chiropractors, naturop
Insulin resistance is a state, where cells cannot take properly sugar from blood to use it as an energy source. Cells become resistant to the action of insulin. It therefore takes more insulin to keep blood sugar in balance. People with insulin resistance syndrome will consequently have normal blood sugar levels but elevated insulin level
"Losing weight by limiting pleasure is like trying to stop smoking by not breathing." - Marc David
You've heard for decades about the dangers of high cholesterol, but did you know that LOW cholesterol can lead to violence towards self and other, and has been linked to premature aging, death and other adverse health effects?
A recent study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, found that the cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins increase the risk of diabetes within postmenopausal women by 48%.
This new finding adds to a growing body of clinical evidence that statin drugs are fundamentally diabetogenic, which is not surprising considering the National Library of Medicine contains peer-reviewed, published research on over 300 other known adverse effects associated with their use.
Already a culinary favorite, new research indicates that garlic is beginning to look like an excellent alternative to statin drugs.
Did you stop drinking chocolate milk sometime around middle school? Well, here's a reason for grownups to indulge in this childhood treat. Chocolate milk is heart healthy.
The chemical war against cholesterol has been based on statistical deception and the active covering up of over 300 adverse health effects they are known to produce.
Four Japanese researchers published an analysis on cholesterol guidelines and statin drugs in the April 2015 edition of the Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism
Not only is avocado an exceptionally dense source of good fats, vitamins, and antioxidants, but it offers protection against some of the worst degenerative diseases known to humanity
Companies selling coconut oil in California are finding out the hard way that they cannot claim that coconut oil is “healthy” because the FDA does not allow such a claim, even if scientific studies back up this claim, along with hundreds of thousands of customer testimonials about the health benefits of coconut oil
The neurotoxicity of statin drugs are back in the news. Following on the heels of the FDA decision earlier this year to require statin drugs manufacturers to add "memory loss" as a side effect of this chemical class, a new study in published in the Journal of Diabetes reveals a clear association between statin use and peripheral neuropathy in a US population 40 years of age and older.
Chronic nasal and sinus inflammation or chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is is one of the most common chronic diseases in adults. It is characterized by persistent symptomatic inflammation of the nasal mucosa and sinuses. A new study indicates that nattokinase, an enzyme from Nattō, a traditional fermented food from Japan can produce incredibly powerful effects in improving this condition. The breakthrough is that CRS does not tend to respond to conventional drugs
More and more women are being prescribed cholesterol-lowering statins and some doctors are even recommending the drugs be added to the water supply or dispensed at the McDonald’s drive-thru windows.
However, postmenopausal women using statins may be increasing their risk of diabetes according to a study published by the Archives of Internal Medicine.