Millions use a toxic chemical known as DEET to repel insects. Compelling new research shows that a far safer and more effective food-based alternative exists.
There is no magic wand for turning back the hands of time. But there are natural solutions for slowing the effects of aging and the wrinkles that come with it
A common food oil has been found to have antifungal properties that could literally save lives.
Massage is one of the best ways to pamper yourself, but did you know that a massage can be extremely toxic? Unless you know what questions to ask, your massage could include a significant dose of crude oil distillates and hormone-mimicking chemicals that are on the world watch-list of carcinogens, but are somehow still allowed into your personal care products
Alzheimer's disease is a devastating degenerative brain condition that affects millions of people in the U.S. While pharmaceutical treatments have long lists of side effects, there is a natural food-based intervention that has proven effective in improving key brain functions. The best part is, it's probably in your food pantry right now
Coconut oil offers neuroprotective properties, which researchers found delayed the incidence of stroke, reduced stroke-induced brain damage and increased survival afterward
Anecdotal reports claim coconut oil produces remarkable recoveries from Alzheimer's disease, but is there research to support this? Now, one study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease shows that a mechanism for coconut oil's brain rescuing properties does in fact exist
In a world grappling with an opioid crisis, why is a major news outlet dismissing a safe, effective pain management technique used for millennia?
Does the common use of the word "disease" bypass critical reasoning to effectively mislead scientific thought? Modern medicine describes hundreds of individual "diseases." So Just What Is Disease? A grand unified theory....
In a world where stroke strikes like lightning, affecting millions each year and leaving a trail of devastation in its wake, could the humble coconut hold the key to fortifying our brains against this debilitating condition?
If you’re experiencing deteriorating vision as you age and don’t want to believe that it’s an unavoidable reality, the results of a recent study on macular degeneration will give you good reasons to get wide-eyed: coconut oil can now add “retina protection” to its long list of health benefits
Oil pulling is currently in vogue to improve oral health and your overall health. Why not try it?
Besides hemp, there are few if any plants that produce as much food, shelter, and medicine as the coconut palm.
What if the secret to healthier gums was sitting in your kitchen cupboard right now?
If a big belly is weighing you down, nature may offer some sensible solutions. From coconut oil and green tea to dark chocolate and vitamin D, these six natural substances are worth looking into
Is it time for a new paradigm in mental health? Are non-drugs, like virgin coconut oil, a safter and more effective alternative to stress and depression?
Can coconut oil boost your metabolism and brain function, increase your immune health and reduce fever? Here are over 50 more coconut oil benefits backed by science.
Millions use a toxic chemical known as DEET to repel insects. Compelling new research shows that a far safer and more effective food-based alternative exists.
Massage is one of the best ways to pamper yourself, but did you know that a massage can be extremely toxic? Unless you know what questions to ask, your massage could include a significant dose of crude oil distillates and hormone-mimicking chemicals that are on the world watch-list of carcinogens, but are somehow still allowed into your personal care products
What you put on your skin goes directly into your body. Indeed, human autopsy studies have shown that mineral oil widely permeates our internal organs; major moisturizer brands have been found to cause tumor formation in treated animals. All the more reason why we need healthy "food cosmetics" as an alternative to petroleum-derived body care products.
The release of the American Heart Association (AHA) advisory on dietary fats and cardiovascular disease is a call to action, but exactly what that action should be is debatable
Insulin resistance is a state, where cells cannot take properly sugar from blood to use it as an energy source. Cells become resistant to the action of insulin. It therefore takes more insulin to keep blood sugar in balance. People with insulin resistance syndrome will consequently have normal blood sugar levels but elevated insulin level
Have you ever looked down at your clothes and noticed the embarrassing, tell-tale signs of a flaking scalp? If so, you're not alone-dandruff affects one in five people in the United States. But it's important to understand the reason for those flakes: It could be a sign of normal dryness, a pesky fungal infection, or a serious autoimmune condition
Imagine if the solution to reversing cavities and strengthening your teeth was as simple as integrating natural remedies into your daily routine