Anecdotal reports claim coconut oil produces remarkable recoveries from Alzheimer's disease, but is there research to support this? Now, one study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease shows that a mechanism for coconut oil's brain rescuing properties does in fact exist
A common food oil has been found to have antifungal properties that could literally save lives.
The Alzheimer's brain can't handle glucose effectively, which is why this unique saturated fat may hold the key to improving and even reversing the condition in some patients
Why is Codex fortifying infant formula, follow-up formula, cereals and NRVs for infants and children with GMO-contaminated ingredients?
Candida (Yeast) is a late sign of impaired gut health.
Candida is associated with craving simple carbs (white foods--pasta, bread, rice, and all sugars) which feed the yeast. Candida develops for many reasons. Basically, it is a 'helper' attempting to create balance in the gut, generally due to antibiotics, preservatives, heavy metal toxins and sterile foods.
We can make candida obsolete and unnecessary by rebalancing gut microbials.
Government Advice on Nutrition has Destroyed Countless Lives the Past Few Decades, Since the War on Fat Started in the 1970s
The release of the American Heart Association (AHA) advisory on dietary fats and cardiovascular disease is a call to action, but exactly what that action should be is debatable
Is it time for a new paradigm in mental health? Are non-drugs, like virgin coconut oil, a safter and more effective alternative to stress and depression?
A new randomized controlled trial provides compelling evidence that virgin coconut oil can accelerate recovery from COVID-19 by rapidly resolving symptoms and reducing inflammation
While coconut oil has dragged itself out of the muck of vast misrepresentation over the past few years as a 'deadly saturated fat,' it still does not get the full appreciation it truly deserves. Not just a "good" fat, coconut oil is an exceptional healing agent as well, with loads of useful health applications
Relieve the painful symptoms of athlete's foot and address the systemic fungal problem with these five natural antifungals, some of which you’ll find directly in your kitchen pantry
If a big belly is weighing you down, nature may offer some sensible solutions. From coconut oil and green tea to dark chocolate and vitamin D, these six natural substances are worth looking into
Are you tired of the jitters and crashes that come with your daily coffee habit? Ready to upgrade your morning brew to something that not only wakes you up but also supports your health and vitality? Look no further than the emerald green goodness of matcha!
Can coconut oil boost your metabolism and brain function, increase your immune health and reduce fever? Here are over 50 more coconut oil benefits backed by science.
Besides hemp, there are few if any plants that produce as much food, shelter, and medicine as the coconut palm.
Unlike conventional drug treatments for Alzheimer's disease, coconut oil and water may help resolve the root causes of neurodegenerative conditions
What if the secret to healthier gums was sitting in your kitchen cupboard right now?
If you’re experiencing deteriorating vision as you age and don’t want to believe that it’s an unavoidable reality, the results of a recent study on macular degeneration will give you good reasons to get wide-eyed: coconut oil can now add “retina protection” to its long list of health benefits
Oil pulling is currently in vogue to improve oral health and your overall health. Why not try it?
What you put on your skin goes directly into your body. Indeed, human autopsy studies have shown that mineral oil widely permeates our internal organs; major moisturizer brands have been found to cause tumor formation in treated animals. All the more reason why we need healthy "food cosmetics" as an alternative to petroleum-derived body care products.
Does the common use of the word "disease" bypass critical reasoning to effectively mislead scientific thought? Modern medicine describes hundreds of individual "diseases." So Just What Is Disease? A grand unified theory....
Imagine if the solution to reversing cavities and strengthening your teeth was as simple as integrating natural remedies into your daily routine
Swishing a tablespoon of oil around in your mouth not only eliminates bad breath and makes the teeth stronger, but seems to speed up the body’s recovery from a number of major illnesses and also promotes longevity
Companies selling coconut oil in California are finding out the hard way that they cannot claim that coconut oil is “healthy” because the FDA does not allow such a claim, even if scientific studies back up this claim, along with hundreds of thousands of customer testimonials about the health benefits of coconut oil