Could a refreshingly tart little berry beat back bladder infections better than conventional antibiotics?
Cranberries aren’t just a staple of Thanksgiving dinners and holiday feasts for their beautiful red color and tart deliciousness. Their polyphenols and other bioactive components also make them a potent antiviral, antibacterial and whole body health powerhouse
It’s widely known that drinking cranberry juice is helpful for urinary tract infections, but have you ever wondered why this is so? Folk remedies are increasingly validated by science, and so it is that cranberries really are great for infections—and that’s the just the beginning of the storied benefits of this tart, little berry
In an analysis of data on berry intake, mental decline has been slower for women over age 70 who regularly consumed strawberries or blueberries. These findings aren't alone in vouching for berries' longevity-promoting and cognition boosting properties, as previous studies reflect similar therapeutic actions
Plant products have historically been consumed and utilized for their anti-microbial and health boosting benefits. Many plant materials are being researched for their therapeutic value for our immune health. Here are 36 natural substances which have been studied to support our body's immune system to heal itself!
If you eat this sweet snack in the morning, you may enjoy better brain function for the rest of the day -- perfect if you know you have an important project or exam in the next few hours.
You don't have to sabotage your health when you indulge in festive treats -- just focus on picks from this short-list of healthy (and delicious) holiday eats!
Probiotics, green tea and honey are examples of "ancientbiotics" -- natural compounds that have been used for centuries address the overgrowth of opportunistic bacteria, and that have scientifically validated antibacterial (i.e. microbiome improving) properties that are valued to this day
Tart Cherries are one of nature's unsung healing agents, able to help the body recover naturally from a myriad of different ailments.
Berries aren’t called superfoods for nothing. A review covering 336 scientific articles on these fruits has shown that berry consumption can go a long way in preventing and managing Type 2 diabetes and its complications
Stay a step ahead of urinary tract infections by boosting your diet with nature’s best UTI fighting foods
Recurrent urinary tract infections (rUTIs) can significantly impact a woman's quality of life, affecting both urinary and sexual function. While intravesical treatments have shown promise, a new study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine suggests that an oral supplement combination may offer a more convenient and effective solution.
Polyphenols found in cranberries may help reduce the risk of developing urinary tract infections (UTIs) and reduce the risk of symptomatic, culture-verified UTIs in women with recurrent UTIs
This common medical intervention, once thought harmless, may be more complex and potentially concerning than we've realized.