For millions of men, the promise of regaining a full head of hair with finasteride seemed like a dream come true. But a growing body of research suggests this supposed miracle cure may be more of a nightmare, with devastating sexual side effects that can persist long after stopping the drug. Disturbingly, many men report they were never warned about the true risks. Now, as more speak out about their life-altering symptoms, troubling questions arise about the safety of this widely prescribed medi
Food has been the medicine of humanity since the dawn of time. Many herbs that we associate only with seasoning our food are, in fact, potent herbal medicines.
The list of botanicals that have great value for menopause, including some like black cohosh, which have been demonstrated to be superior to hormone replacement therapy, is impressive. But there are quite a few which are less well known, such as pine bark extract and ginseng...
A new gold-standard study shows a daily fenugreek seed extract supplement improved memory, inflammation, mood, blood pressure, and quality of life in Alzheimer's patients over 4 months - unlike costly experimental drugs that continue to fail trials
Nature’s bounty has played an integral role in modern drug development so is it any wonder some common kitchen herbs and spices have the potential to play a role in weight loss and the fight against obesity?
Dill is chock-full of nutrients and compounds that are widely used for reducing excess gas, aiding in digestion and boosting the immune system. But the perks don't end there: dill also provides strong antibiotic properties
Looking for a way to increase the results of your exercise routine? Here's the latest science on how natural supplements can safely improve your workout
Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) is the member of family Zingiberaceae, locally known as Adrak or Ada in India. This plant is small, rhizomatous, erect and perennial. It is cultivated commercially for edible rhizomes in many parts of India and it has been part of various medicine systems across the world for time immemorial.
Every morning, millions of people worldwide kickstart their day with a cup of coffee. For many, this ritual is incomplete without a disposable cup from their favorite coffee shop. But what if this daily habit is quietly undermining your health, particularly your testosterone levels?
For those living with prediabetes, the search for effective, natural ways to manage glucose levels is an ongoing journey. A recent study has shed light on a promising ally in this quest: the humble cinnamon spice
Looking for a way to beef-up athletic performance without adding more protein to your diet? A new study shows that consuming an unassuming spice may be an efficient way to safely boost strength, endurance and even testosterone
Fenugreek is one of the oldest recorded medicinal plants. The recorded use of fenugreek goes back to Egypt in 1500 BCE. It was also used in Greek, Arabian, Indian and Chinese medicine.