What if compounds from plants like soy, flaxseed, and green tea could help reduce that risk and improve long-term outcomes for breast cancer patients?
Effective and safe treatments for ovarian cancer simply do not exist today within conventional medical practice. However, promising research indicates that flaxseed and at least 30 other natural substances do have potent anti-ovarian cancer properties
What does nature have to offer that’s new for women? Quite a lot.
As we edge closer to Breast Cancer Awareness month, a timely new meta-analysis proves that the consumption of flaxseed prevents and kills breast cancer.
Excess belly fat is not only uncomfortable -- it’s associated with heart disease, inflammation, insulin resistance and other chronic diseases. Adding this seed to your daily meals is a simple way to target abdominal obesity
Today, healthy fatty acid deficiency is epidemic. This deficiency leads to cardiovascular and immune issues and other disorders. What do you do if you're HFA deficient?
Flaxseeds contain unique heart friendly properties, which the scientific research is only now beginning to reveal in greater clarity. Should we wait around for randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded trials and the FDA's explicit drug approval, or take out our coffee grinders and start incorporating the meal into our diet right now? Thankfully, its a choice you still get to make for yourself.
From acupuncture to peppermint oil, there are a wide range of natural, evidence-based alternatives to drugs for alleviating hot flashes
The science has never been clearer: flaxseed deserves to be top of the list of the world's most powerful medicinal foods. For just pennies a day it may protect against dozens of life-threatening health conditions.
New research suggests flaxseed oil supplementation may significantly improve IVF outcomes for women with decreased ovarian reserve.
Flaxseed has remarkable therapeutic properties, with over 50 potential applications in the prevention and treatment of disease, as documented in the peer-reviewed biomedical literature itself* Flaxseed's role in breast cancer is one of the more compelling areas of research, considering this is the #1 form of cancer afflicting women today, and that most women still equate "prevention" with subjecting themselves to annual breast screenings involving highly carcinogenic 30 kVp...
We are bombarded every day by harmful radiation from medical tests like X-rays and CT scans, radon gas and radiation from space. And there is always worry about fallout from disasters like the meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan. How do you protect yourself from radiation?
For children recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, new research hints that leaving gluten behind may help preserve precious insulin production longer
Black pepper, spinach and other common foods can assist in appetite control, helping you stay on a natural path toward health and wellness
Whereas flaxseed has been enjoying its "superstar" status in the nutritional world for quite some time, sesame is still rarely appreciated for its true healing power. All that is about to change...
Hypertension affects about 30% of adults worldwide. While most people try to cut back on salt to lower their pressure, a better strategy may be to add these healthy foods to the menu.
When conventional cancer medicine fails to produce positive outcomes, a humble little seed comes to the rescue.
Have you ever thought about the natural laws that underpin our world? Governed by sacred geometry, organic patterns are the building blocks that shape our experiences. They show up again and again, begging to be recognized, understood, and utilized for the benefit of mankind.
If you have ever wondered why you should not eat wheat, this article is for you!
Increasingly popular derogatory invectives like "quack" and "snake oil" actually have deeper historical roots than those who use them are aware of, and which indict the very conventional medical system they have uncritically adopted as the only one worth practicing
Emerging research highlights various natural alternatives to arthritis that might offer comparable or superior benefits without these risks of standard pharmaceutical treatmetns
The list of botanicals that have great value for menopause, including some like black cohosh, which have been demonstrated to be superior to hormone replacement therapy, is impressive. But there are quite a few which are less well known, such as pine bark extract and ginseng...
Research has concluded that a healthy diet rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory natural substances can increase longevity and improve the aging process
Polyunsaturated vegetable or seed oils aren't typically known for cognitive benefits, but emerging research suggests a daily dose of flaxseed oil could provide a brain boost.