Of all the illnesses in industrial society, diabetes takes the greatest toll. Over 100,000 people die from complications of diabetes each year. Another million lose quality of life due to metabolic syndrome. Diabetes adds $135 billion to the annual cost of healthcare in the U.S.1 Yet diabetes remains avoidable, treatable, and reversible.
Fruits elicit not only joy in the eating of them -- incidentally, the word fruit stems from the Latin word frui, meaning "to enjoy, use" -- but they also nourish and protect the body with powerful, built-in medicinal activity. Fruits are, of course, by design a "perfect food," intended to entice animals to consume them in order to help disseminate their seed.
A groundbreaking new study finds that components within common edible plants directly modulate mammalian genes, with therapeutic results.
Scurvy is a devastating disease caused by not enough vitamin C in your body. While it’s often associated with pirates and seafarers from long ago, the disease is making a comeback in the modern day, even in developed countries where, theoretically, scurvy should no longer exist
Food delivers powerful healing properties that scientists have spent decades analyzing in detail.
Cross-talk between plant and animal cells may be accomplished via microRNA-carrying exosomes, gene-regulating elements contained in plants which reinforce that food is information and suggests an inextricable co-evolutionary relationship between these two disparate kingdoms
Do you have an autoimmune disorder, or has your thyroid come to a screeching halt? Is that extra body fat stuck to you like glue? When it comes to autoimmune issues, sluggish thyroid or other metabolic issues, it’s time to turn the spotlight toward toxicity as Suspect Number One
Rutin is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory powerhouse found in a variety of delicious food that may boost your health via multiple avenues, from promoting healthy circulation to providing pain relief
Stay a step ahead of urinary tract infections by boosting your diet with nature’s best UTI fighting foods
Antibiotic resistant urinary tract infections are increasingly common, leaving many looking for natural alternatives. Grapefruit seed extract may be an effective treatment that is safe, affordable and easily accessible
Did you know that guava and tomato are just two of the lycopene-rich fruits and vegetables that can protect your brain and reduce your risks for cancer, heart disease and bone fractures?