Glaucoma leads to incurable blindness. There are no early warning signs. Half of people with the disease don't even know they have it. Changing your diet can cut your risk.
Kale, a less domesticated, disheveled form of cabbage, is one of the most potent healing foods in existence today.
You may have a low level of magnesium in your diet that is preventing you from reaping important health benefits
A groundbreaking study reveals that habitual calcium supplementation significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality in individuals with diabetes. This vital information sheds new light on the potential dangers of these commonly recommended supplements, especially for those managing diabetes.
Revel in the seasonal colors and tastes of spring with these five fresh picks with distinct health and disease-fighting benefits
We all know that leafy green vegetables are good for us, but do you know why they're so good? There are plenty of reasons but, when it comes to heart health, the secret may be nitrates and chlorophyll
Beets have always been and remain one of the world's most underutilized 'super foods' with powerful, evidence-based health benefits
With billions spent every year on exotic chemical- and toxin-based anti-aging schemes like Botox, what if the key to unlocking the fountain of youth was nestled in the curly leaves of kale?
These foods can make the difference in who becomes a victim to ovarian cancer, the most lethal gynecological cancer known.
Modern society has removed itself from the process of growing and cultivating its own food, but research has demonstrated that gardening has numerous physiological and psychological benefits. Read on for a list of highly nutritious vegetables that you can easily grow in your backyard or in containers on your porch
Seaweed is a powerful detoxifier that may help rid your body of toxic dioxins, like those released near the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, or are produced in products containing Splenda (sucralose).
Slow food moves us in a way that fast food can not. We immerse ourselves in the process of making a meal, nourishing ourselves and others, and enjoying the fruits of our labor, and that of the Earth. Could this movement be the cure for the Fast Food Nation?
Have you ever felt your money was wasted on supplements? That even though you consistently followed the protocol from your health-care practitioner you were not getting the results others obtained with the same program? You may have been right! We've helped hundreds of patients with age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) with these healing secrets designed to help "non-responders"; those for whom the average supplement and dietary protocol fails to work.
We're constantly bombarded with ever-changing diet recommendations. How do you know what to put on your plate that will bring you toward greater health and wellness? Who and what do you trust?
You’ve heard it all your life: “Eat your greens.” But did you know that eating just one cup of leafy greens each day makes your brain an average of 11 years younger than someone who skips them?