Does deep ocean water hold the solution in replenishing mineral-deficient soil?
If what we're doing may contribute to the new normal of childhood chronic illness, then here are 7 bold and brave ways to keep baby safe.
While soft tissue calcification has long been considered irreversible, emerging research reveals natural compounds capable of both preventing and potentially reversing this process.
If you’ve been given a warning that you are prediabetic, the time is NOW to start managing your blood sugar problem, naturally. Here are seven easy ways to do it
In today's fast-paced, high-pressure world, stress and anxiety have become all too common. Join us in exploreing natural, safe, and effective alternatives to conventional psychiatric medications for managing these prevalent mental health concerns.
Are dietary supplements useless or beneficial?
Hundreds of drugs contribute to liver toxicity even when used in correct doses. Chinese medicine suggests the tiny sesame seed and its oil may protect the liver from damage.
Running on empty this holiday season? Here are the top seven ways to de-stress, beat holiday stress and slide into the New Year feeling your best
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a diagnosis given to millions of children worldwide, and is characterized by behaviors and symptoms such as impulsivity, inattention, and hyperactivity that can significantly impair academic performance and social functioning.
Osteoporosis, like most other disease, is caused by many factors including deficiencies of essential nutrients such as vitamin D. But are prescription drugs really the answer?
What are some natural methods to help curb the symptoms of depression and also address the fundamental causes of the condition?
In the Age of Toxicity one of the most common deficiencies and most life-threatening is magnesium. The good news is that it is easy to remedy...
With flu cases in this city up tenfold from last year, the mayor of Boston declared a public health emergency on the 9th of January. Right behind them the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention declared that influenza has reached epidemic proportions in the United States, with 7.3% of deaths last week caused by pneumonia and the flu.
Bayer is facing a cascade of new Roundup cases and a possible rash of shareholder lawsuits by its own investors alleging that Bayer failed to disclose its true liabilities
Heart disease while still the #1 cause of mortality in the developed world, can be prevented and even reversed disease with nutrition, according to a growing body of scientific research
Not only is Functional Medicine here to stay, it is poised to be the centerpiece in one of the most significant shifts in the health and medical paradigm in the past one hundred years. For anyone who has been paying attention, there has been a virtual war going on between Conventional/Allopathic Medicine and Functional/Natural Medicine since the early 1900s. In fact, this virtual war often became a real war when the medical establishment would attack and try to discredit chiropractors, naturop
Nutritional Supplement Safety Again Confirmed by America's Largest Database
The fact is that refined white salt, such as commercial table salt is bad, very bad stuff. Unrefined natural salt on the other hand is good, very good stuff providing many health benefits.
Life at its core is a phenomenon that requires energy in the form of electrons to operate and to keep its structures intact. Living cells are internal combustion engines that must have the right fuel and lots of oxygen to produce energy.
Is magnesium deficiency linked to insulin resistance, high triglyceride levels and high blood pressure?
Just outside the local primary school here in north London, somebody has sprayed these words on a phone or cable junction box, highly visible to the mums and tots: COVID 1984
What if everything we knew about restricting sodium for heart health was wrong? Emerging evidence reveals the low-salt doctrine lacking firm science may require serious rethinking.
Diabetes is not the hopeless disease that most doctors would have us believe it is though it is a long losing battle if you walk the trail western medicine wants you to travel
An astounding 70% or more of Americans are deficient in the essential mineral magnesium. Low levels can have deadly effects