The myth persists that high fat foods gunk up your arteries and pad your hips But it’s just not true especially when it comes to the highest fat fruit on the planet - the avocado (Persea americana)
Niacin (vitamin B3) is a biomolecule required by all forms of life
Niacin's long-term circulatory benefits may include facilitating a male's erection
The herpes virus afflicts millions of people worldwide, causing painful blister-like sores that are often embarrassing. There is no known cure, and medications have a long list of potential side effects and a "take it forever" prescription. Did you know that there is a clinically proven, natural way to provide relief that is growing right under your feet?
Are genetically modified bacteria, viruses or yeasts proliferating unchecked, creating havoc with our inner worlds? Its very possible, though the precise cause not clear yet.
You don't have to sabotage your health when you indulge in festive treats -- just focus on picks from this short-list of healthy (and delicious) holiday eats!
Nutritional Supplement Safety Again Confirmed by America's Largest Database
Ginger - It warms the body, flushes out toxins, boosts our immune system, energizes us and eases our nerves. What other natural health benefits can ginger do for us?
Niacin augments detoxification by lowering the body burden of lipid-stored xenobiotics.
What can Merck's prescription drug Zetia do for you that niacin can't? Apparently, nothing at all. In fact, it could worsen your atherosclerosis.
If you're looking for a superfood to support your immune system health and act as an overall health tonic, shiitake mushrooms are a top choice. As a bonus, they impart a savory umami flavor to virtually any meal they touch
Move over apples. An avocado a day may be key to keeping the doctor away by fortifying your body with vital nutrients for your skin, brain and heart, while warding off obesity and other health conditions. Here are four benefits you can expect when you eat one avocado daily.
Robin Williams' health history would have made him a perfect candidate for Hoffer's high-dose niacin therapy. But would this therapy been better than the "best" drugs available to Williams?
Although mushrooms get good press as a low-calorie, high fiber, low-cholesterol, low-sodium decoration for your pizza, there is much more to the mushroom story than that. Mushrooms have been valued for their culinary and medicinal properties for thousands of years and ancient cultures associated them with immortality for good reason
Consuming honey, nature’s sweet gift freely given through the work and movement of honeybees, gets sweeter in light of its wide-ranging health benefits