Low levels of testosterone can come with glaring symptoms such as erectile dysfunction and reduced bone mass. Before opting for hormone replacement therapy and facing the risk of serious side effects, here are five science-backed ways to optimize your testosterone levels naturally
High doses of vitamin C are well-documented as being effective against viral infections, so why don't you hear about it more often?
The international outbreaks of viral infections in late 2014 have shown we need a new antiviral strategy that go beyond sanitation, vaccination and medication.
Maximize & boost your nutrition by simply adding a few common herbs to your favorite foods!
The Flu Vaccine Does Nothing: Listen to the Science, Not the Media
Grains have gotten a bad rap in recent years, with the rise in popularity of paleo and ketogenic diets turning people away from many carbohydrate foods. But oats are an exception to the “no carb” rule. Packed with slow-burning energy, oats are a versatile super food that can fuel an active day and contribute to lifelong disease resistance
When warts appear, these natural treatments and nutritional therapies help boost the immune system with a nutrient-dense diet, targeted supplements and lifestyle changes that are effective and safe in treating warts.
In a world where medical interventions are often the first line of defense, a recent study sheds light on the power of the body to heal itself, particularly when it comes to subclinical hypothyroidism in older adults. But what if we could go beyond watchful waiting and actively support the thyroid's natural healing process?
From incurable to a cure for an autoimmune disease - why not make lifestyle changes today that can improve your life and vitality?
Is there anything you can do to stop hair loss? Several simple hair-sparing strategies have proven effective, including correcting common vitamin deficiencies and avoiding toxic insults that can spoil your luxurious locks
Here are the five top tips to help you fight the cold this season
Just outside the local primary school here in north London, somebody has sprayed these words on a phone or cable junction box, highly visible to the mums and tots: COVID 1984
Dr. Kelly Brogan shares four pearls that she brings day to day when dealing with children's health and wellness.
In the quest for parenthood, could the answer lie in a glass of homemade juice? A groundbreaking new study suggests that a simple blend of beetroot, watermelon, and ginger could significantly improve the success rates of in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments.
Implausible Pro-Vaccine Publications Contrasted Against Ignored Public Health Campaigns and Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trials
Many women accept these symptoms as an inescapable part of their monthly cycle and remain unaware that they can significantly relieve PMS by becoming proactive about their health.
One of the most important things at the top of every prepper’s priority list is ensuring your family’s long-term food supply
Sperm quality and count are both important causes of male infertility, but both have been plummeting over the past several years