Elsevier's "withdrawal" of a small veterinary study breaks all the rules of scientific publishing. The biggest name in scientific literature has produced fake medical journals for Merck's advertisers before, so yanking a study that doesn't pass the vaccine industry's sniff test would be nothing. Celeste McGovern looks at a case study of how Pharma is killing science
The hazy, smoggy skies over Beijing during these March days are emblematic of the Codex meetings that the National Health Federation (NHF) has been attending for many days here in China.
Fluoride is not a nutrient of any kind - essential, non-essential or micronutrient. Consumption does not provide any dental benefit, and there is no such thing as a fluoride deficiency
The microbes in the soil make the hidden treasure called fulvic acid, the miracle of life. Our bodies need it for optimal health. Fulvic acid is not a vitamin or a mineral and cannot be synthesized
A new study sheds light on the powerful neuroprotective properties of curcumin, the active ingredient in everyone’s favorite yellow spice. A twice-daily dose of this natural supplement led to a nearly 30% improvement in memory and a boost in mood for adults suffering from mild memory loss
The third digital revolution to unleash the power of anti-censorship
AMERICANS are highly distracted. They won't recall the efficacy of the flu vaccine from year to year. That's why Sanjay Gupta can go on the news and remind us that his 30% estimate (likely an overestimate) of how well the flu vaccine works is not like past years, the good old days in which the vaccine was 60-70% effective, and not bat an eye
Claims that vaccines “undergo rigorous and extensive testing”, that they are “held to the highest standard of safety”, etc., are lies.
Google has recently (June 2019) used their power to manipulate public opinion in favor of the Pro Vaccine Argument!
A 15-year-old autistic boy had one tissue sample with levels of aluminum 22 times higher than those found in healthy individuals. Researchers suggest that childhood vaccines are a potential source of the toxic metal
Recent decades have brought enormous increases in breast cancer. Could aluminum, a known human toxin that's the basis for antiperspirants, be the culprit?
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is believed to be one of the most widespread and disabling neurological conditions in the world, with an estimated 2.3 million people suffering from the condition worldwide. The latest statistics estimate that there are currently 400,000 individuals suffering from MS in the US and a further 100,000 individuals in the UK
Aluminum has been linked to diseases such as cancer, autism, and Alzheimer's. This toxic material is entering the human body via everyday consumption of food, water, cosmetics and an increasing number of vaccinations.
Federal public health agencies continue to ignore scientific advances, made largely by prominent scientists working outside of the U.S., despite the scientists' appeals to agencies to investigate the link and stop telling parents aluminum in vaccines is safe.
Let’s get two things clear about the vitamin K shot. First, it is not a vaccine. Second, it is not a harmless vitamin.
A study published in the journal Pediatrics raises concern over the use of the term "natural" to describe breastfeeding, even though the weight of evidence (and common sense) indicates prioritizing breastfeeding over man-made formulas or vaccines is the best way to protect your child and the mother's health.
Does aluminum, a toxic metal that has become so common it can found in things we eat and use everyday, have an impact on sperm count? Does it contribute to low sperm production among other ailments?
A Facebook "Fact-Checker" feature purports to identify misinformation about vaccines while itself blatantly lying to the public about vaccine safety
Most patients who recover from diagnoses like terminal cancer, are told that they were probably misdiagnosed to begin with
Congressman Bill Posey from Florida recently questioned Mark Zuckerberg during a hearing on Capitol Hill about Facebook's censorship on information that paints vaccines in a negative light
Thanks to the Human Microbiome Project, we know that we are home to trillions of microbes, the largest number of which are found in our gut. And as in agriculture, diversity tends toward health
Last year, the well-propagandized talking heads on TV and radio repeated over and over again how important it was to be fully vaccinated with the newest untried and unproven-for-effectiveness influenza vaccine
Women have experienced tumors in their breast tissue where their cell phones rest while tucked into their bras. A coincidence, or cause for concern?
The majority of additives in U.S. foods have undergone either inadequate or zero regulatory oversight. American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) just issued a policy statement about the risks to children’s health of the more than 10,000 chemicals directly or indirectly added to food and “food contact materials” in the U.S. with three primary aims: (1) to review and highlight the significant health concerns associated with the chemicals in foods; (2) to formulate recommendations that pediatricians can