Infertility rates are higher than ever, as is usage of cell phones. Yet, in the scientific literature, it is widely accepted and unanimously agreed on that electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones harms male sperm in many different ways.
Cell phones are known to cause a myriad of health problems. So why hasn't anyone done anything about it?
As Newsguard’s project advances, it will soon become almost impossible to avoid this neocon-approved news site’s ranking systems on any technological device sold in the United States
New peer-reviewed research finds that 30 minutes of exposure to 4G (LTE) cellphone radiation affects brain activity.
Is there a connection between cell phones and cancer? Here are 44 reasons to believe that cell phones can cause cancer
The dangers of cell phone use have long been debated but for the first time a clear connection between cell phone use and higher risk of cancer has been established in a study by Tel Aviv University.
Doug Wolkon, owner of Kauai Farmacy shares his personal healing journey drinking fresh Kauai-grown herbal tea
Ever since the World Health Organization admitted in 2011 that cell phone radiation is “possibly carcinogenic,” and may be contributing to the global increase in brain cancer cases, it’s not so easy to be labeled a hypochondriac for being concerned about the health consequences of exposure.
Do your eyes frequently ache after staring at your tablet or smartphone? It’s not just the strain of looking at a small screen. It may be a sign of irreversible damage being done to your eyes—cellular damage that can lead to blindness
Are 'smart' meter radiation emissions safe - or not? This video measures the pulses from a 'smart' meter and a cell phone. Watch it just above, or on YouTube here
Most of us are too busy to notice. We have texting to do, and constant important information to exchange. But something invisible could be harming us. More people are experiencing headaches, tinnitus, brain fog, ear pressures, sleep disorders, neurological symptoms, cardiac, and cancer risks, plus more. There are even mysterious hums that people hear.
Imagine if you lived inside your microwave and could see the ubiquitous frequencies bombarding you several times per minute 24/7. You might be horrified. Some people are now claiming that they are getting sick from it. A condition referred to as 'electromagnetic hypersensitivity,' is a new form of environmental allergy. This sort of multi-frequency barrage of radiation to living beings, is unprecedented ...and rapidly increasing. Welcome, ‘smart’ grid.
As of today, the award-winning 2017 edition of “Take Back Your Power”, is now released permanently free on YouTube. This significant documentary exposes a critical problem that affects everyone: ‘smart’ utility meters which facilitate in-home spying, increase utility bills, present a risk of homes fires and hacking, emit wireless pulses and dirty electricity, and are shown to cause health problems
Women have experienced tumors in their breast tissue where their cell phones rest while tucked into their bras. A coincidence, or cause for concern?
Your mobile phone is not only a possibly carcinogenic radiation emitting device, but may alter the structure and function of the brain, including brain wave activity that is intimately connected to cognition, mood and behavior.
Alarmingly, the FCC gave approval to SpaceX on March 29, 2018, to launch 4,425 satellites into low orbit around the Earth, which will be beaming millimeter length microwaves across the earth
According to the World Bank about three quarters of people on the planet now use a cell phone. So cell phones are a big deal now for pretty much everybody