If media, medical, and marketing brainwashing has you convinced there is such a thing as "bad" cholesterol, you've gotten the science all wrong
When it comes to cholesterol levels and statin medications, less is not always more. Drastically low cholesterol may deprive patients of crucial biological functions during acute critical illness, while some statins like rosuvastatin appear to further endanger these already vulnerable individuals
There is a little known natural extract of plant waxes known as policosanol, extractable from sugar cane, yams, and beeswax, which has been giving some of the more profitable drugs on the market a biomedical beating since it was first investigated in clinical trials by the Cubans in the 1990's.
Claiming a ‘Deadly Internet-Driven Cult’ is driving poor statin drug sales, a prominent cardiologist says that the hundreds of 'side effects' reported in the peer-reviewed medical literature and by patients are just 'imagined.'