Evidence-based medicine requires evidence before medicating. Fluoridation of water is not evidence-based. It has not been tested in well-controlled studies. Fluoridation of public water is a default medication, since you have to deliberately avoid it if you do not want to take it.
Fluoride is not a nutrient of any kind - essential, non-essential or micronutrient. Consumption does not provide any dental benefit, and there is no such thing as a fluoride deficiency
Fluoride is put in your drinking water 'for your teeth' without your consent, but did you know that it could also be calcifying your arteries?
The pineal gland has been known as the 'seat of soul' for hundreds of years. Could fluoride, a ubiquitous vector of toxicity in the modern world, actually be calcifying this gland and literally turning it to stone?
Fluoride - long added to public water supplies for dental health - may come at a previously unrecognized cost: harming fetal brain development and leading to neurobehavioral problems in children
More than 207 million Americans live in areas with fluoridated drinking water. If you're among them, you might want to try tamarind for a fluoride detox
About 70% of Americans drink fluoridated water. They're all at a higher risk of hypothyroidism and worse.
Government and industry health authorities often talk about this 'therapeutic' chemical as being more important than good nutrition in preventing cavities, but ingesting it can lead to serious health problems
A Federal Appeals Court in Illinois has ruled that “smart” meters facilitate government search – but called this practice “reasonable”. This story involves a collusion between big corporations, courts and a fake-grassroots organization
Fluoride is put in your drinking water 'for your teeth' without your consent, but did you know that it could also be calcifying your arteries?
Adding fluoride to drinking water provides very limited dental benefits, according to an updated Cochrane Review published today. The review follows a California federal court ruling that fluoridation poses an "unreasonable risk" of reduced IQ in children.
Could your pineal gland--the "seat of the soul"--be under siege by fluoride toxicity? Startling new animal research suggests that eliminating fluoride from your diet may be the key to rejuvenating this vital but often calcified organ.
In a long-overdue reckoning, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and a growing chorus of non-establishment health experts are shedding light on the toxic metals in water fluoridation chemicals--calling for an end to a practice that poses significant, unavoidable health risks, particularly for vulnerable populations.
What comes to mind when you think of toxic waste disposal? Biohazard suits, lead-lined vaults, and burial deep underground? You might be shocked to learn that a dumping ground for these chemicals is a product that many people consume daily to ensure good health - and it may be in your medicine cabinet.
Diabetes is not the hopeless disease that most doctors would have us believe it is though it is a long losing battle if you walk the trail western medicine wants you to travel
Do you have an autoimmune disorder, or has your thyroid come to a screeching halt? Is that extra body fat stuck to you like glue? When it comes to autoimmune issues, sluggish thyroid or other metabolic issues, it’s time to turn the spotlight toward toxicity as Suspect Number One
When toxicity lurks behind a bright smile, nature's solutions shine through
For half a century, the medical establishment, including the pharmaceutical industry, has had near zero tolerance towards criticism against its unequivocal failures and medical catastrophes
Modern medicine, conventional medicine, allopathic medicine has many names, but little science. What should it be called? Bureaucratic Medicine
Globally, roughly 5% of the population consumes chemically fluoridated water, but more people in the U.S. drink fluoride-adulterated water than in all other countries combined
In today’s world, fluoride is hard to avoid completely. Here's how to detox your body
There's nothing like a glass of cool, clear water to quench one's thirst. But the next time you or your child reaches for one, you might want to question whether that water is in fact, too toxic to drink. If your water is fluoridated, the answer may well be yes
The latest Canadian study finds that young children born to mothers living in fluoridated communities are at risk of having lower IQs. Sub-populations vulnerable to fluoride poisoning also include bottle-fed babies, the elderly and those in fragile health