New research reveals how fructose, a common sugar found in everyday diets, fuels cancer cell growth and survival, challenging everything we thought we knew about nutrition and cancer prevention.
By designing and selling addictive, low quality and disease-promoting products, Big Food has achieved the unthinkable: to create a dedicated army of health-compromised, addicted fans, whose cognitive, biochemical and even genetic potential to break free of their addiction is hijacked before birth
Whereas many within the mainstream medical community insist on promoting the belief that the link between certain types of food with an increased risk of cancer is "weak" or only "nominally significant," the scientific evidence continues to accumulate indicating sugar feeds cancer.
Is your yogurt damaging your health? Are these highly processed ingredients in your grocery store yogurt?
The government has gone to great lengths to downplay the connection between sugar and tooth decay. The result has been more profits for the sugar industry and more cavities for kids.
Here are four specific things that you can start addressing today to significantly lower your risk for breast cancer.
Midlife women have been led to believe that hormone replacement therapy is an either or proposition: either you take it or you suffer the symptoms of menopause.
A study from Zheijian Provincial People's Hospital in Zheijiang, China indicates that a compound in turmeric known as curcumin, which gives the spice its characteristic saffron-like color, is capable of inducing cell death within triple negative breast cancer cells
Research suggests that maple syrup, despite being a concentrated source of "sugar," possesses significant anti-cancer properties
Food addictions are not strictly “psychological” problems, but have a hard-wired, organic component. Many of the most commonly consumed foods in Western culture actually contain narcotic properties associated with the presence of psychoactive chemicals that bind to opioid receptors in the nervous system.
One study validates a controversial cancer theory, namely, that yeast in our body can contribute to not just feeding, but actually causing cancer. Can the ancient healing spice turmeric come to the rescue?
Millions of pounds are consumed annually, yet it may be more like a drug than a food and just as damaging and addictive as alcohol...
Increasingly, it is hard to find honey being used in foods or as a sweetener. Instead, sugar and corn-derived high fructose corn syrup has displaced it. But honey is vastly different than sugar.
Salt has gotten a bad rap when it comes to blood pressure. Sugar is the real culprit
The most arduous experience of parenting for me has been weathering the unrelenting stream of shots fired by the seemingly tireless dilemma cannon. With every metaphorical cannonball coming at me at hurtling speed, there is a choice to be made between at least two courses of action...or inaction. Do I go with the flow and allow the outcome of this moment to be organic?
In September 2013, a bombshell report found that 30%–40% of healthcare expenditures in the USA go to help address issues that are closely tied to the excess consumption of sugar.
Sometimes going gluten free is just not enough to reduce symptoms of bloating and other functional bowel complaints, including IBS. Could there be more to the picture than previously believed? Enter the acronym FODMAPs, as it may provide a crucial missing link in solving the problem once and for all...
The American Heart Association and the federal government disagree on how much sugar is too much. Follow the government guidelines for just 2 weeks and you may increase your heart disease risk.