If Monsanto's Roundup herbicide were actually 'safer than table salt' as they once advertised, the consumption of GM food wouldn't be nearly as controversial. The truth, however, is that virtually all GM food today contains residues of this toxic chemical, which disproves that GM and non-GM foods are 'substantially equivalent," which is the primary doctrinal justification behind why GM foods are not properly safety tested and millions in this country eating them...
A federal jury in San Francisco has found that Monsanto’s weed-killer glyphosate was “a substantial factor” in causing a man’s cancer, delivering a major new blow to the agrochemical giant now owned by Bayer who acquired it last year.
Think GMOs are safe for human consumption? Think again. There are plenty of reasons GMOs should be banned, or, at the very least, labeled.
Cheerios may be "non-GMO" but it is virtually guaranteed to contain Roundup herbicide residues, based on an oat supplier's recent admission.
A new study offers 'scientific proof' that Roundup herbicide, far from a cancer causing agent, may help to cure lethal cancers some day.
Roundup herbicide (glyphosate) in our air, rain, groundwater, soil and most food in the U.S., and an increasing body of research reveals it has cancer-promoting properties.
It's time to consider the possibility that industrial farming with its focus on chemicals such as glyphosate and glufosinate have played an important role in creating drought and other severe weather patterns.
GMO Impossible burger tests 11x higher for glyphosate weed killer residue than Beyond Meat burger.
A new review of the toxicology literature on occupational pesticide exposure has found a link between glyphosate (Roundup)and B-cell lymphoma.
How much longer will we deny the growing body of research linking Roundup to infertility before calling this chemical a contraceptive?
A new study reveals the multi-dimensional problem of Roundup 'weedkiller' to human health, proving that your blood is not 'Roundup Ready.'
A new study confirms, if you are a living and breathing organism, chances you have Roundup weedkiller (glyphosate) in your body; and if you are a chronically sick human, chances are you have more than a healthy one
A growing body of research indicates that Roundup herbicide and its metabolite, AMPA, are vastly more toxic than the public is being told. Activist sentiment aside, the scientific research itself increasingly points to banning this herbicide as the only logical solution.
A newly published scientific consensus statement on Roundup herbicide reveals exposure to this ubiquitous toxicant is increasing and research proving it safe is still nowhere to be found.
How is the public to trust a risk assessment system that has overlooked the most obvious risk factor for herbicide tolerant GM crops, i.e. high residue levels of herbicides, for nearly 20 years?
Major tectonic shifts have occurred around the historically secretive multinational corporate structure of Monsanto, forcing transparency, furthering the public debate, and assisting lawsuits that expose the true nature of Monsanto’s toxic product and its multi-level collusion to hide the fact of its carcinogenicity.
Herbicides used in GM farming like Roundup have long been understood to be toxic, that much is true, but the ongoing debate rages over to what degree they are toxic. Shocking research indicates that the so-called "inert" ingredients in these glyphosate formulations are actually highly toxic, and amplify the toxicity of the active ingredient.
A new study reveals a hitherto unknown mechanism behind how the world's most popular GMO herbicide harms the brain.
With global rates of celiac disease (CD) accelerating, a new study reveals a link between this popular pain killer and intestinal damage consistent with those observed in CD.
Highly concerning new research reveals chemicals used in industrial agriculture are up to 1,000 times more toxic than the regulatory system presently states.
New evidence reveals that despite a ban on cultivation of GM rapeseed in Europe, Monsanto and Bayer's plants are now freely growing there.
Could Monsanto's glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup be leading to the overgrowth of deadly bacteria in animals and humans consuming genetically-modified food contaminated with it?
One of the hottest and most controversial issues in the world today is genetic engineering. With protests against Monsanto on May 25th in over 400 cities, people have shown that this is a topic they truly care about. Largely, the stances are highly polarized with opponents saying it is all cancer causing, poisonous, and environmentally dangerous and supporters saying it is wonderful, improving yield and making everyone except "anti-science" opponents happy.
The widely held claim that GMO food is as safe as traditional food has been disproved by a new study showing that Roundup accumulates in genetically modified plants and not conventional and organic ones.