In the barrage of information you come across daily online, how do you know what's true and what's nothing more than hearsay, gossip or all-out lies?
Generations are being harmed by agricultural chemicals, but Monsanto's best kept secret lies in 3 decades of evidence that support industry knowledge of devastating impact to society's most vulnerable.
A new study offers 'scientific proof' that Roundup herbicide, far from a cancer causing agent, may help to cure lethal cancers some day.
With global rates of celiac disease (CD) accelerating, a new study reveals a link between this popular pain killer and intestinal damage consistent with those observed in CD.
New research indicates that the microbial biodiversity of the soil and our food is being dramatically impacted by the use of herbicides like glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller. Researchers have proposed that many soil organisms, which are indispensable for the productivity of the soil in agriculture, as well as in raw and fermented dairy production, may be undergoing endangerment, if not also in some cases extinction in certain geographic regions of the world.
Think you can avoid glyphosate by buying organic? Think again. A new investigation by Tropical Traditions reveals that many products in the organic grain market in the U.S. contain glyphosate residue at levels almost the same as conventional grains.
The GMO mass experiment on the public is producing results—terrifying ones. GM toxic elements can be found in nearly all pregnant women and children. (Update of the article featured in Genetic Roulette movie
New research released ahead of print and published in the journal Archives of Toxicology indicates that Roundup, the most common formulation of glyphosate, which is the largest selling herbicide in the world, is not only more toxic than its constituent ingredients, but is capable of damaging DNA within a human cell line when diluted down to 45,000% lower concentrations than presently used in GMO agriculture applications.
Eat your veggies is no longer synonymous with health thanks to the increasingly documented deleterious health effects of chemical pesticides and herbicides
Glyphosate has likely caused more damage to human health than any other chemical ever produced. Indeed, it is probably a cause of the explosion in chronic diseases. Surely civilization cannot be maintained when the average person is irrevocably ill. This trajectory of human misery must come to an end.
A new study offers 'scientific proof' that Roundup herbicide, far from a cancer causing agent, may help to cure lethal cancers some day.
If glyphosate is indeed substituting for glycine during protein synthesis, the consequences are mindboggling
The commercial purpose of GMOs is not to feed the world or improve farming. They exist to gain patent rights over seeds and plant breeding and to drive agriculture in directions that benefit agribusiness at the expense of farmers, consumers and the natural world.
Children with autism have a peculiar digestive system disorder, as was recently eloquently described by Dr. Arthur Krigsman at the AutismOne conference. How might glyphosate (Roundup) cause this?
Herbicides used in GM farming like Roundup have long been understood to be toxic, that much is true, but the ongoing debate rages over to what degree they are toxic. Shocking research indicates that the so-called "inert" ingredients in these glyphosate formulations are actually highly toxic, and amplify the toxicity of the active ingredient.
The bombshell GMO/Roundup study brought to the forefront the link between what we eat and breast cancer risk, less than two weeks before the start of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Will we let this connection be pinkwashed away?
One of the hottest and most controversial issues in the world today is genetic engineering. With protests against Monsanto on May 25th in over 400 cities, people have shown that this is a topic they truly care about. Largely, the stances are highly polarized with opponents saying it is all cancer causing, poisonous, and environmentally dangerous and supporters saying it is wonderful, improving yield and making everyone except "anti-science" opponents happy.
Thanks to the Human Microbiome Project, we know that we are home to trillions of microbes, the largest number of which are found in our gut. And as in agriculture, diversity tends toward health
New evidence reveals that despite a ban on cultivation of GM rapeseed in Europe, Monsanto and Bayer's plants are now freely growing there.
A Federal Appeals Court in Illinois has ruled that “smart” meters facilitate government search – but called this practice “reasonable”. This story involves a collusion between big corporations, courts and a fake-grassroots organization
In the latest PR scandal to engulf Bayer, journalists at Le Monde reported May 9 that they obtained a “Monsanto File” created by the public relations firm FleishmanHillard listing a “multitude of information” about 200 journalists, politicians, scientists and others deemed likely to influence the debate on glyphosate in France.
How much longer will we deny the growing body of research linking Roundup to infertility before calling this chemical a contraceptive?
Water is the only "substance" that can exist in a "fourth state" of matter. This fourth phase of water, also called "structured water", is the basis of biological life
A new study reveals the multi-dimensional problem of Roundup 'weedkiller' to human health, proving that your blood is not 'Roundup Ready.'