Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder whose incidence has been rising dramatically in the past two decades, in step with the dramatic rise in the use of glyphosate (the active ingredient in the pervasive herbicide Roundup) on core food crops
Which future does your next step lead toward?
Bayer is facing a cascade of new Roundup cases and a possible rash of shareholder lawsuits by its own investors alleging that Bayer failed to disclose its true liabilities
Dr. Stephanie Seneff, MIT scientist and glyphosate expert answers questions from Zen Honeycutt...
Eat your veggies is no longer synonymous with health thanks to the increasingly documented deleterious health effects of chemical pesticides and herbicides
Sri Lanka's newly elected President Maithripala Sirisena annouced that Sri Lanka will ban the use of the world's most popular herbicide glyphosate, effective immediately.
If glyphosate is indeed substituting for glycine during protein synthesis, the consequences are mindboggling
In November 2014, an open letter signed by about 57 million Americans reached European politicians urging them not to follow America’s genetic engineering path in food and agriculture
Few would argue that consuming ample quantities of fruits and vegetables in the diet is a good idea, right? Fresh produce may be the only food on the planet that all diet gurus agree on, but did you know that you may be getting a chemically-applied dose of a known carcinogen every time you eat a piece of “fresh” fruit?
Gene-editing of DNA inside of living cells is considered by many to be the preeminent technological breakthrough of the new millennium, but its commercial prospects are much more complicated
Major tectonic shifts have occurred around the historically secretive multinational corporate structure of Monsanto, forcing transparency, furthering the public debate, and assisting lawsuits that expose the true nature of Monsanto’s toxic product and its multi-level collusion to hide the fact of its carcinogenicity.
Thanks to the Human Microbiome Project, we know that we are home to trillions of microbes, the largest number of which are found in our gut. And as in agriculture, diversity tends toward health
The Dots Are So Close There's No Need To Connect Them
Think your cooking oil is safe and healthy? Canola oil producers claim that it’s the healthiest oil you can use, but science begs to differ. Unless significant weight gain and diminished memory are your idea of good health!
Arm yourself with the knowledge to protect you and your family from hidden dangers lurking in your food by reading "Food Forensics," currently the number one selling science book on
There is a growing awareness that glyphosate is much more toxic than we have been led to believe, and I am confident that in time it will be banned worldwide, just like DDT
$80 million in damages was the figure the jury arrived at in a unanimous verdict against Monsanto for failing to warn Edwin Hardeman of the cancer risks of the herbicide RoundUp