The majority of additives in U.S. foods have undergone either inadequate or zero regulatory oversight. American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) just issued a policy statement about the risks to children’s health of the more than 10,000 chemicals directly or indirectly added to food and “food contact materials” in the U.S. with three primary aims: (1) to review and highlight the significant health concerns associated with the chemicals in foods; (2) to formulate recommendations that pediatricians can
It is becoming increasingly difficult to deny the fact that heavy metal exposure has a direct impact on the prevalence of autism spectrum disorders
Last year, the well-propagandized talking heads on TV and radio repeated over and over again how important it was to be fully vaccinated with the newest untried and unproven-for-effectiveness influenza vaccine
If you actually "follow the science," Wikipedia's description of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s "anti-vaccine advocacy" might elicit indifference or unequivocal support for Wikipedia’s position.
The National Autistic Society (NAS) has long been a leading voice on autism in the UK, providing support and advocacy for autistic individuals and their families. However, their stance on the causes and potential treatments for autism spectrum disorders (ASD) has come under increasing scrutiny from advocates of natural health approaches and researchers exploring environmental factors. This article examines the limitations of the NAS perspective and highlights emerging evidence that challenges th
A new organization launched this morning calling themselves “Vaccine Safety Commission”, a nonprofit organization that was formed by “concerned scientists, doctors, journalists, and parents.”
A Facebook "Fact-Checker" feature purports to identify misinformation about vaccines while itself blatantly lying to the public about vaccine safety
It is a primitive bacterial vaccine licensed in 1914. 1 It has not been given to babies in America for 20 years.
What is the link between autism and vaccinations? The answer likely lies within the harmful adjuvants that cause brain damage and other neurological problems.
The science is in. The misinformed need to read more, and the average person needs to take a careful look at their lifestyle and behavior in order to improve their deteriorating health
GreenMed Info exclusive excerpt from the upcoming book, How to End the Autism Epidemic.
A confidential GlaxoSmithKline document recently leaked to the press exposed that within a two-year period, a total of 36 infants died after receiving the 6-in-1 vaccine, Infanrix Hexa
While tattoos have surged in popularity as a form of self-expression, few people consider the potential toxicity of injecting inks containing heavy metals, carcinogens, nanoparticles and other dangerous compounds deep into their skin - where they can cause serious and long-lasting health problems.
Arm yourself with the knowledge to protect you and your family from hidden dangers lurking in your food by reading "Food Forensics," currently the number one selling science book on
With increasing exposure to a witches brew of toxic chemicals in our modern world, could the ancient practice of sweating offer a modern-day detoxification remedy?
Investigating the alarming rise of chronic inflammatory diseases.
It can take years for conspiracies and bad dealings to come to light. But history has a lot to teach us
There is no safe level of mercury. Mercury is the most toxic naturally occurring substance on the planet, yet, according to the EPA, there is currently over 1 ton of mercury from amalgam fillings in the mouths of Americans. Over 67 million Americans exceed the exposure of mercury vapors considered "safe" by the EPA because of the presence of amalgams in their teeth
Male births have been in decline for decades, while researchers say developmental genital damage from chemical exposure can become hereditable.
Why Buildings Have Stricter Quality Controls than Pediatric Vaccine Trials
Ever since humans discovered fire, our activities have been releasing a "dog's breakfast" of unnatural chemistry. The list has grown to well over 75,000 free elements, compounds and pharmaceuticals. Many of these are acidic, electron-hungry oxidants and free radical generators.
We need studies on vaccinated populations based on various schedules and doses as well as individual patient susceptibilities that we are continuing to learn about
Saying no to vaccines in the face of the gale wind of propaganda and governmentally supported vaccine campaigns is high treason punishable to the point of having your kids taken away if you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Far too many are still swooned by false promises from people with initials like "Dr." and "CEO" in front of their names.