A new study sheds light on the powerful neuroprotective properties of curcumin, the active ingredient in everyone’s favorite yellow spice. A twice-daily dose of this natural supplement led to a nearly 30% improvement in memory and a boost in mood for adults suffering from mild memory loss
With global rates of celiac disease (CD) accelerating, a new study reveals a link between this popular pain killer and intestinal damage consistent with those observed in CD.
Heart disease while still the #1 cause of mortality in the developed world, can be prevented and even reversed disease with nutrition, according to a growing body of scientific research
Disappointingly, suicide rates among people who take antidepressants are not statistically any different than suicide rates for people who take a placebo
In the remote regions of China, a debilitating bone disorder has long puzzled medical experts. Now, researchers are uncovering how two essential minerals may hold the key to prevention and treatment.
Irrational Measles Fear is being used as a Pretext for Infringing on Individual Rights
A new study found that the pineapple enzyme bromelain reduces pain as effectively as the popular drug ibuprofen after dental surgery
Our medicalized approach to pain may be putting us in harms way. However, there are safe, natural approaches that can ease painful conditions.
The 2019 Guidelines on the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease issued by the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association contains recommendations on aspirin that may shock people who have followed routine medical advice for decades
Aspirin, once recommended for the primary prevention of heart disease, is now being challenged even for secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease, raising questions about its effectiveness -- and safety -- for a large population of people
It's no secret how effective turmeric is for easing temporary joint pain and inflammation. But if you're still on the fence about putting down the ibuprofen and reaching for a nutritional supplement to treat muscle aches and pains, a study on curcumin may prove to be just the incentive you need to stop the harmful NSAIDs forever
It’s estimated that 100 million Americans live with chronic pain, but pain-killers can have serious side effects. Here's why turmeric may provide an ideal alternative
Nature has safe nontoxic answers to the crisis of over-reliance and addiction to pain medications with their known harmful effects
Aspirin's long held promises are increasingly falling flat. A natural, safer and more effective alternative to this synthetic drug has been known about for at least two decades!
In recent years, a narrative has emerged warning the public that herbal supplements may be damaging their livers. Mainstream media headlines such as "6 Supplements, Including Green Tea, Turmeric, Linked to Liver Toxicity" and "Silent Threats: Everyday Herbs and Drugs Linked to Liver Damage" have contributed to a growing sense of fear around herbal products. But how valid are these claims?
Millions of Americans take over the counter painkillers like Advil or Aleve without realizing they can damage the gut, leading to leaky gut syndrome. Here's how you can heal it...
Use of over-the-counter painkillers is staggeringly common. At least 175 million adults in the United States take OTC painkillers. That makes evaluating their effectiveness and safety crucial. But, it has been a very bad few years in painkiller research. Important recent studies have cast serious doubt on their effectiveness and their safety.
Could this ancient spice be superior to drugs for treating premenstrual syndrome (PMS)?
Millions take aspirin each day -- presumably to prevent cardioavascular disease -- but how many are aware of its true risks (which include deadly bleeding events) and of the natural, evidence-based alternatives that exist that are much safer?
Millions take anti-inflammatory drugs every day for arthritis and related conditions, but are completely unaware that far safer, and at least as effective, natural alternative already exist -- and are as easily accessible and inexpensive as the spices found in your kitchen cupboard.
A new study published in Lancet confirms thousands die from ibuprofen use each year, so what are viable alternatives?
Health Begins In the Gut. From a clinical standpoint, insofar as functional medicine is concerned, whether you present with rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, ulcerative colitis, or systemic lupus erythematosus---the fundamental objective is the same: heal the gut.
A remarkable new study published in the International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases confirms that food is not only medicine, but sometimes superior to it.