Another damning study indicates it is simply time to pull the plug on this outdated drug
A modified excerpt from the book 'Climate - A New Story'
Environmental contaminants are causing decreased sperm production among men, with couples having difficulty conceiving and children being born with numerous health concerns
Rodney Palmer gives concerning testimony to the Royalty Society of Canada on how the roll out of powerful wi-fi systems in Canadian schools may account for debilitating and even deadly side effects, such as sudden cardiac arrest in students
Glutathione is essential to the functioning of each and every cell in the human body, but modern times have made it increasingly challenging for our stores to be maintained at optimal levels. Could a 'good bacteria' called Lactobacillus fermentum help support this increasingly prevalent deficiency?
Now, world agriculture has three mega-mergers in play: Merge-Santo - New Threat to Food Sovereignty. If we act, we can stop the Big Six from becoming the Titanic Three.
Exposure to chemicals, radiation, and other toxic substances have left Gulf War soldiers and their kin with debilitating diseases.
Years ago, Gaia Health informed that bee dieoffs are a direct result of pesticide nerve agents called neonicotinoids. The term, Colony Collapse Disorder, is fraudulent, designed to direct attention from the known cause. Agribusiness, the poison manufacturers making death-producing pesticides, is the other face of Big Pharma.
Major tectonic shifts have occurred around the historically secretive multinational corporate structure of Monsanto, forcing transparency, furthering the public debate, and assisting lawsuits that expose the true nature of Monsanto’s toxic product and its multi-level collusion to hide the fact of its carcinogenicity.
But NHF is standing in its way…
Bayer-Monsanto have announced that they will not be asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review a $20.6 million verdict awarded to former school groundskeeper, Dewayne Lee Johnson, who proved that their glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup causes cancer
Imagine a technology that could genetically rewire organisms in real-time, silencing critical genes across entire ecosystems with unknown effects.
A recent study shows that drinking water in Iowa City, Iowa is contaminated with insecticides. The implications of this disturbing discovery could be detrimental to public health.
Over the years, the government and business monopolies, including the likes of Big Tech, have formed a global alliance hell-bent on protecting and concentrating member profits
Modern society has removed itself from the process of growing and cultivating its own food, but research has demonstrated that gardening has numerous physiological and psychological benefits. Read on for a list of highly nutritious vegetables that you can easily grow in your backyard or in containers on your porch
Children with autism have a peculiar digestive system disorder, as was recently eloquently described by Dr. Arthur Krigsman at the AutismOne conference. How might glyphosate (Roundup) cause this?
Farmers and environmentalists sound the alarm
Without a doubt, organic produce is the superior choice compared to GMO and other conventional varieties, but do organic meats share the same benefits? The answer may surprise you.
Scientists call on the World Health Organization International Agency for Research on Cancer to re-evaluate the carcinogenicity of cell phone radiation after the Ramazzini Institute and US government studies report finding the same unusual cancers
Everything you have learned about the true causes of polio may be wrong...
It looks like this NZ food bill will pave the way to reduce the plant diversity and small owner operations in New Zealand, for example by way of controlling the legality of seed saving and trading
The Dots Are So Close There's No Need To Connect Them
Watchdog Groups Digitize and Release 20,000 Documents for Public Review