Radiation Exposure

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3 Diseases Researched for Radiation Exposure
2 Adverse Pharmacological Actions Researched for Radiation Exposure

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2 Abstracts with Radiation Exposure Research

Pubmed Data : Occup Environ Med. 2008 Nov;65(11):719-25. Epub 2008 Apr 3. PMID: 18388114
Study Type : Human Study
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Adverse Pharmacological Actions : Teratogenic
Pubmed Data : Int J Health Serv. 2006;36(1):113-35. PMID: 16524167
Study Type : Review
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Adverse Pharmacological Actions : Carcinogenic

Radiation Exposure Related Articles

Written by Dr. Joseph Mercola
5G is also being touted as necessary to enable future technologies, there are significant health and environmental concerns relating to 5G radiation that are not being properly addressed
As of today, the award-winning 2017 edition of “Take Back Your Power”, is now released permanently free on YouTube. This significant documentary exposes a critical problem that affects everyone: ‘smart’ utility meters which facilitate in-home spying, increase utility bills, present a risk of homes fires and hacking, emit wireless pulses and dirty electricity, and are shown to cause health problems
Written by GMI Reporter
Last week, U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal grilled wireless industry representatives, who admitted the industry has done ZERO health & safety studies on 5G technology. Meanwhile, dozens of independent studies indicates that 5G is a risk to all biological life
Written by Patrick M. Wood
The Technocrat's lust for 5G is so strong that they are perfectly willing to ignore all human concerns, protests and especially health concerns
Written by Dr. Mark Sircus
Conventional cancer treatments aren't working for women with breast cancer. Women are falling into a cancer industry machine only to be spit out at the other end, permanently damaged and still with no reasonable assurance of long-term survival.
Novel research reveals that blocking exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) produces significant symptom changes in 90% of patients with autoimmune disease. No longer can it be ignored that manmade electromagnetic radiation poses innumerable risks to human health
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
A disturbing new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine has brought mainstream attention to the fact that mammography screenings have caused millions of US women to suffer unnecessary surgeries and chemotherapy and radiation treatments over the past 30 years.
Research exposes how biophotons may be responsible for the transmission of adverse effects of radiation between individuals, and illuminates how the fabric of human consciousness may be based in light
Written by Valerie Burke
Children are far more vulnerable to the damaging effects of electromagnetic fields than we are. Your child's brain absorbs two to three times as many EMFs as yours, and sources of exposure are everywhere. What can you do?
The prospect of developing cancer is a frightening one. Sadly, this fear is leading many to undergo dangerous and harmful cancer screenings that, ironically, can cause the very diseases patients hope to avoid.
Science shows electromagnetic fields are unavoidably harmful to human health, causing bioeffects and derailing the immune system at levels deemed within safe exposure effects
Written by GMI Reporter
5G leads to a massive increase of mandatory exposure to wireless radiation
On Wednesday September 26, the FCC voted to grant itself more unconstitutional authoritarian powers to further their 5G agenda with an extremely heavy hand
Written by Alison Main
Is the next generation of wireless the last? While industry says 5G is the promised land, concerned citizens say it's an impending global catastrophe
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Our country, and world, face unprecedented challenges when it comes to health freedom; one in the form of mandatory vaccination and another in the form of universal wireless radiation exposure, involving increasingly complex and synergistically toxic electromagnetic frequencies
Written by Alison Main
Is the next generation of wireless the last? While industry says 5G is the promised land, concerned citizens say it's an impending global catastrophe
Written by Dr. Roy Speiser
With chronic illness on the rise, people are desperately trying to stem the onslaught, all the while drinking and bathing in the most damaging problem of all. Think you have clean water? You might want to reconsider
Written by GMI Reporter
Rodney Palmer gives concerning testimony to the Royalty Society of Canada on how the roll out of powerful wi-fi systems in Canadian schools may account for debilitating and even deadly side effects, such as sudden cardiac arrest in students
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
New reports indicate a Fukushima-style nuclear disaster is inevitable in the Miami area, and need to be investigated immediately.
Written by John P. Thomas
Alarmingly, the FCC gave approval to SpaceX on March 29, 2018, to launch 4,425 satellites into low orbit around the Earth, which will be beaming millimeter length microwaves across the earth
Written by Sydney Ross Singer
We encourage women everywhere to join the International Bra-Free Study and see for themselves, on themselves, how chronic health problems that plagued them for years could be related to their bras
Written by Valerie Burke
Public concern about our increasing exposure to electromagnetic radiation is on the rise, but a shiny black rock called shungite may hold the solution
Written by GMI Reporter
A new study discusses the possible health hazards of 5G that are largely going underreported in the mainstream media.
As of today, the award-winning 2017 edition of “Take Back Your Power”, is now released permanently free on YouTube. This significant documentary exposes a critical problem that affects everyone: ‘smart’ utility meters which facilitate in-home spying, increase utility bills, present a risk of homes fires and hacking, emit wireless pulses and dirty electricity, and are shown to cause health problems

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