The neurotoxicity of statin drugs are back in the news. Following on the heels of the FDA decision earlier this year to require statin drugs manufacturers to add "memory loss" as a side effect of this chemical class, a new study in published in the Journal of Diabetes reveals a clear association between statin use and peripheral neuropathy in a US population 40 years of age and older.
What if 90% of the peer-reviewed clinical research, the holy grail of the conventional medical system, is exaggerated, or worse, completely false? The very life's blood of 'evidence-based' medicine -- peer-reviewed and published clinical research results – which legitimizes the entire infrastructure and superstructure of conventional medical knowledge and practice is erected, has been revealed as mostly and patently false.
Statins are taken by millions of people worldwide, but most are unaware that their use has been linked to worsening eye health, along with over 300 adverse health effects.
Fibromyalgia, a condition characterized by chronic, body-wide pain, can be remedied with very simple dietary changes, and natural supportive remedies that have been clinically proven to have value.
The American Heart Association and College of Cardiology have just removed the spots from the dice used to determine your cardiovascular disease risk.
New research published in the journal PLoS indicates that the use of the cholesterol-lowing class of drugs known as statins is associated with an increased prevalence of microalbuminuria, a well-known marker of vascular dysfunction, affecting both cardiovascular and kidney disease risk.
A new study published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention indicates that women who are long-term users of statin drugs have between 83-143% increased risk of breast cancer.
How long will it take medical doctors and their patients to see the truth? Will it take being physically blinded before they arrive at this awareness? Eye-associated adverse effects, including loss of vision, may be the tipping point when it comes to recognizing the profound range of damaging health effects associated with statin drug use
Boosting testosterone is becoming all the rage today, but unless you activate your body's innate ability to do it naturally there are some very serious side effects that could get in the way of your health
So, you have been told to 'lower your cholesterol' with drugs. But could it be causing cancer?
Research revealing the broad spectrum toxicity of statin drugs continues to accumulate unabated. Adding to a growing body of clinical evidence that they may cause over 300 adverse health effects, a new study reveals that these cholesterol-lowering drugs may be contributing to an epidemic of arthritis and autoimmunity in exposed populations, as well.
Food has lost its story. Stripped of context, meaning, and reduced to its molecular composition, ancient recipes for health and joy long to be recovered
Marking the beginning of another dark chapter in the history of medicine, The American National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), via the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology have just announced a radical change to the way that statins will now be prescribed.
Enjoyed the world over as something of an icon of the tropical experience, the pineapple was used in indigenous medicine for a wide range of ailments; uses that are only now being confirmed by modern scientific methods.
Millions take these blockbuster drugs for 'heart protection,' and yet they are actually killing the well established heart protective properties of fish oil.
Statin drugs are already known to greatly increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, but newly published research now indicates they also accelerate cardiovascular complications associated with the disease, including coronary artery and aortic artery calcifications.
Aside from demonstrating that statins provide no benefit to most people, this study also demonstrates that the so-called gold standard, randomized double blinded placebo controlled, study is a farce. Add to that, though, the fact that statins have severe and deadly adverse effects, it's apparent that these drugs are doing great harm while providing no benefit.
We keep hearing about different types of cholesterol. It's all nonsense. There’s only one cholesterol molecule, so there’s only one type of cholesterol. What started this nonsense of types of cholesterol?
New research published in the journal PLoS indicates that the use of the cholesterol-lowing class of drugs known as statins is associated with an increased prevalence of microalbuminuria, a well-known marker of vascular dysfunction, affecting both cardiovascular and kidney disease risk.
What if 90% of the peer-reviewed clinical research, the holy grail of the conventional medical system, is exaggerated, or worse, completely false? The very life's blood of 'evidence-based' medicine -- peer-reviewed and published clinical research results – which legitimizes the entire infrastructure and superstructure of conventional medical knowledge and practice is erected, has been revealed as mostly and patently false.
Under the current guidelines, statins are recommended for about 15 percent of adults. With the new guidelines 44 percent of men and 22 percent of women would meet the criteria for taking a statin. Is this good, evidence-based medicine or misguided?
Following in the wake of new U.S. guidelines that will require 70 million Americans take statin drugs, new research finds they increase the risk of herpest zoster (shingles), adding to the over 300 adverse health effects linked to this drug class.
Fibromyalgia, a condition characterized by chronic, body-wide pain, can be remedied with very simple dietary changes, and natural supportive remedies that have been clinically proven to have value.
The chemical war against cholesterol has been based on statistical deception and the active covering up of over 300 adverse health effects they are known to produce.